Abandoned Vehicle
Abandoned vehicles are an issue that the Council takes seriously - as they can become a danger to the public.
The Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 states that a vehicle is abandoned only 'where it appears to a local authority that a motor vehicle in their area is abandoned without lawful authority ...' As a result, a vehicle is deemed abandoned only when the local authority is satisfied that it is abandoned.
Stolen vehicles, cloned vehicles or vehicles causing anti-social behaviour, these should be reported to Police Scotland on their non-emergency number - 101. | Untaxed vehicles, these should be reported directly to the DVLA. |
Uninsured or vehicles with no MOT, these should be reported to Police Scotland on their non-emergency number - 101. | Vehicles causing an obstruction, these should be reported to Police Scotland on their non-emergency number - 101. |
Parking issues, including pavement parking, these should be reported to the Enforcement Team. | Abandoned bicycles, caravans and trailers, these should be reported on our website here. |
How do we consider a vehicle to be abandoned
Some of the indicators that a vehicle may be abandoned are listed below, however this is not an exhaustive list:
- The vehicle structure/glass has been damaged by vandalism as opposed to damage caused by a road traffic accident
- The vehicle has unsecured doors or an open boot
- The vehicle has been partially or fully burned out
- The vehicle that has been stationary for a considerable period
It's not always clear if a vehicle has been abandoned Vehicles that are not necessarily abandoned are:
- The owner lives in the immediate area
- Untaxed, no valid MOT, no valid insurance
- The vehicle has road tax
- Nuisance or annoyance vehicles (often confused with abandoned vehicles: an abandoned vehicle is always a nuisance, but a nuisance vehicle is not always abandoned)
- Sold on the street as part of a business
- Involved in a local parking dispute
- Poorly parked / causing an obstruction
- Broken down
What you'll need to know
- Registration number (if known)
- Vehicle make, colour (if known)
- Location
You can report an abandoned vehicle using our online form.
To report an abandoned bicycle, caravan or trailer you can use our online form.