Abandoned Vehicle

Abandoned vehicles are an issue that the Council takes seriously - as they can become a danger to the public.

The Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 states that a vehicle is abandoned only 'where it appears to a local authority that a motor vehicle in their area is abandoned without lawful authority ...' As a result, a vehicle is deemed abandoned only when the local authority is satisfied that it is abandoned.

This service does not deal with:
Stolen vehicles, cloned vehicles or vehicles causing anti-social behaviour, these should be reported to Police Scotland on their non-emergency number - 101.Untaxed vehicles, these should be reported directly to the DVLA.
Uninsured or vehicles with no MOT, these should be reported to Police Scotland on their non-emergency number - 101.Vehicles causing an obstruction, these should be reported to Police Scotland on their non-emergency number - 101.
Parking issues, including pavement parking, these should be reported to the Enforcement Team.Abandoned bicycles, caravans and trailers, these should be reported on our website here.


Last modified on 03 December 2024

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