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Supporting all Glasgow's communities - a message from Council Leader Susan Aitken

Susan Aitken

Glasgow is a proud, diverse and, above all, welcoming city. 

The riots and violent disorder that have impacted towns and cities elsewhere in the UK over the past week are fuelled by racism. They intend to exploit fear and create division.

However, I know that - right across Glasgow - people are determined, as I am, that our city's sense of community will stay strong and resilient in the face of extremism.   

Earlier this week, Police Scotland was able to reassure Glaswegians that there is currently no intelligence to suggest anti-immigration rallies or disorder are imminent either in Glasgow or elsewhere in Scotland.

I'm grateful to the force for reaching out to communities to allay their fears - and join it in appealing to the public to be wary about information they find and share online.

Over the next few weeks, we'll publish the latest advice and support for residents and businesses on our website.

In the meantime, please continue to look out for your neighbours - and, in particular, anyone who is vulnerable or who might need a little extra support at this time.  Contact us, or the Police, if you have concerns.

Susan Aitken, Leader of Glasgow City Council

Last modified on 09 August 2024

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