Advertising on/in a Licensed Taxi and/or Licensed Private Hire Car
Apply for Advertising/Artwork ApprovalApply for Consent/Approval of Advertising/Artwork Material on Licensed Taxi/Private Hire CarEnquiry Form Email (opens new window) FAQs
Please note that on 28 August 2024, the Licensing and Regulatory Committee, after considering responses to a public consultation on its advertising policies for taxis and separately private hire cars, agreed the following Policies:
Advertising Policy on Licensed Vehicles (Private Hire Car)
Advertising Policy on Licensed Vehicles (Taxis)
These Policies come into effect on 1 October 2024.
There is a two step process.
First Step - If you wish to have artwork/advertising material on your licensed Taxi and/or Private Hire Car you must first apply to the Licensing Authority for approval of the artwork/advertising material . It does not have to be the taxi licence holder and/or private hire car licence holder that applies for approval of artwork/advertising material. You can apply for approval or artwork/advertising material using the online form.
The Licensing Authority will keep a register of all approved artwork.
Second Step - Once approval of artwork/advertising material is given by the Licensing Authority, if you wish the approved artwork/advertising material to appear on your licensed taxi and/or licensed private hire car, the licence holder of the taxi and/or private hire car must apply to the Licensing Authority for its approval/consent to have the approved advertising material/artwork displayed externally/internally on the licensed vehicle. You can apply for consent/approval to have approved artwork/advertising material on your licensed vehicle using the online form here.
Please ensure you read the applicable Policy fully, before applying for either the approval of artwork (stage 1 process) and the Licensing Authority's consent/approval to have artwork /advertising material on/in your licensed vehicle (stage 2 process)
Advertising on Licensed Vehicles - Private Hire Cars Policy (PDF, 99 KB)(opens new window)
Advertising on Licensed Vehicles - Taxis Policy (PDF, 103 KB)(opens new window)
There is no fee for the approval of the artwork/advertising material.
Please refer to our Fees and Charges for details of the current fees and accepted payment methods for the consent/approval of the Licensing Authority to have the artwork/advertising material displayed on the licensed vehicle. The application will not be accepted without the correct fee.
Payment should be made by BACS Transfer (electronic banking) to the Licensing Board Account. When making payments please quote your Surname/Licence Plate Number as detailed below:-
Account Name: Glasgow City Council - Licensing
Account No. 00116224
Sort Code: 83-44-00
Reference: Surname/licence plate number
Please note that your application for approval/consent to display artwork/advertising material on your licensed vehicle will not be formally lodged until payment, if applicable, has been received. The fees are non-refundable.