Planning Fees
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All applications must be accompanied by the appropriate planning fees which are set by the Scottish Government. The relevant legislation is The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2024 Fees for Applications (Scotland) 2024 which are effective from the 12th December 2024 and these Regulations amend the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications) (Scotland) Regulations 2022.
Please Note:
- If your application falls under Schedule 3 of the 2013 Regulation, you will be required to pay an additional fee for advertisement.
- For mixed use applications that include new build residential units and new non-residential floor space, the fee calculation for planning permission will include both categories of development i.e. combined fees are applicable for the proposed number of dwelling units and commercial gross floor space area.
- For applications relating to a Change of Use the fee is based on floor space; the floor space is taken to be the gross floor space (all storeys) to be created by the development shown in the application floor plan.
- The floor space measurement is an external measurement and includes the thickness of external and internal walls. Floor space does not include other areas inside a building that are not readily usable by humans or animals, e.g., lift shafts, tanks, and loft space(s).
- Fees can be paid via the ePlanning Portal or directly by BACS to Glasgow City Council using the payment details below.
BACs Payment Details:
Payee: Glasgow City Council | Sort Code: 834400 | Account Number: 00796772
Reference No: Please note the reference number of your application must be used when making a BACS payment.
Failure to provide this reference will delay the processing of your application.
In addition to the set application fees, the Regulations allow for discretionary fees to be charged by Planning Authorities. Details of how these discretionary fees are applied by Glasgow City Council are set out below:
Waived or Reduced Fees
Under regulation 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications) (Scotland) Regulations 2022 Planning Authorities are provided discretionary power to waive or reduce fees in the following circumstances:
- Where the application relates to development which, in the opinion of the planning authority, has the primary purpose of contributing to a not for profit enterprise or a social enterprise, and
- Where the application relates to development which, in the opinion of the planning authority, is likely to contribute to improving the health of residents in the area to which the application relates.
Applications will be required to meet both of these criteria in order to quality for a reduced planning application fee. For changes of use applications the application fee will be reduced by 75%. For all other applications the application fee will be reduced by 50%.
Applicants will be expected to outline why they consider the application and their status would satisfy the above criteria with a supporting statement which will include an explanation of how the organisation qualifies as:
- a not for profit enterprise in that it exists to wholly on mainly provide benefits for society; or
- it operates as a social enterprise meaning the activities of the organisation are wholly or mainly focused upon benefits of society, and
- how it will benefit the health of residents in the local area.
Applicants can submit a full fee and request a refund. Alternatively they can email to put forward a case to reduce their fee.
Pre-Application Guidance
Details of the full suite of pre-application guidance and scale of fees can be found via this link: Pre application guidance and scale of fees.
Discharge of Condition
Details of the procedure and payable fee to apply for discharge of conditions attached to planning permission are available here.
Retrospective Fees
Under Regulation 6 of the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications)(Scotland) Regulations 20022 the Council has the power to levy a surcharge of up to 25% on retrospective applications.
A retrospective application is deemed to be one which relates to a development which requires planning permission which has been implemented or partially implemented without the benefit of planning permission. The Council will apply a fee of 25% of the cost of the application fee as set in the fee regulations in addition to the actual planning fee.
It is for the applicant confirm that their application is retrospective. The additional fee will be identified by the Planning Authority once the application is being validated.
Non-Material Variation
Details of the procedure and payable fee to apply for a Non-Material Variation to vary a planning permission are available here.