Discharge a Planning Condition (NEW HIDDEN PAGE)
Email (opens new window)Enquiry Form| Discharge of Conditions Form
Many planning consents include conditions that must be approved before any work begins on site. These conditions are listed in the Decision Notice. If you do not submit the required information to meet these conditions, it could result in enforcement action being taken to resolve the issue.
To discharge a planning condition, you will need to submit a formal application and pay a fee to receive written confirmation that you have complied with the conditions attached to your planning consent. The fee for each request to discharge conditions is £100. This fee does not apply to conservation area consents or listed building applications, but you still need to process the discharge of conditions for these applications through this system.
How to Apply
Applications can be made by submitting a completed Online Form together with the appropriate Fee. Please complete all sections including any details of submissions to support the application. You will not be able to submit any supporting documents at this stage but will be able to do so once you have received confirmation that your Discharge of Condition Application has been registered.
Please Note:
- that your application will not be valid until payment has been received;
- the fee for each application request is £100 regardless of the number of conditions you are seeking to discharge;
- there is no fee attached to conditions for conservation area consent or listed building applications;
- condition discharge does not grant consent to vary the original approved drawings; and
- if you want to vary the permitted scheme please ask our advice first.
Once you receive a letter from us confirming that your application has been registered, you can then upload any supporting information using the ePlanning Portal by selecting the Post Submission Additional Documents (PSAD) Form.
Please do not submit any supporting information before getting the registration letter. Submitting information early, either through the eplanning.scot portal using the original planning application reference or by emailing documents directly to the planning department, will cause delays in processing your application.
What to include in your application form:
- Please complete all relevant sections of the form.
- Provide any additional information.
- Make your BACs payment.
You will be able to upload additional documents once you have received your registration letter which will provide details on how to upload additional information.
Please note:
- Your application will not be valid until payment has been received, the fee for each request is £100.
How to Make a Payment
The fee for each request to satisfy or discharge conditions is £100. Payment should be made for applications by BACs payment to Glasgow City Council using the undernoted details:
BACs Payment Details:
- Payee: Glasgow City Council
- Sort Code: 834400
- Account Number: 00796772
- Reference No: DOC (and quoting the property address for the application) e.g. DOC231GeorgeSt
Consideration of your Application for Discharge of Conditions
The information submitted in support of your application will be assessed against the requirements of the relevant condition(s). If the information submitted is considered sufficient then we can proceed to discharge or confirm compliance with the condition as quickly as possible.
Please note that we may need to consult with other departments, such as the Council's Environmental Health team, for certain conditions. Your case officer will keep you updated on the progress, but please be aware that this additional consultation may cause some delays in processing your application.
Please be aware that not all conditions require information to be submitted for approval and not all conditions are able to be discharged, as they remain relevant for the lifetime of the development approved.
Additional Information
- You should ensure that you submit your Notification of Initiation of Development and Notice of Completion of Development forms which were attached to your Decision Notice.
- Condition discharge does not grant consent to vary the original approved drawings. If you wish to vary the permitted scheme, a further application is required to vary or remove a planning condition.
- To apply for a variation of a condition, please submit a full planning application under Section 42 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended).
- If you are seeking approval of matters that are specified in conditions pursuant to a Planning Permission in Principle consent you should submit an application seeking approval of matters referred to in the PPP conditions through the online ePlanning Portal in accordance with Regulation 12 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2013.