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Community Councils

Community Councils are voluntary bodies which exist within a statutory framework and which have been granted statutory rights of consultation.

The general purpose of a Community Council is to ascertain, co-ordinate and express the wider views of the entire community within its agreed boundaries. They can complement the role of the local authority but are not part of local government.

Recognised Community Councils, unlike other community organisations, are included in the consultation process for all planning applications. They have the right to receive copies of applications and will be recognised as competent bodies to make representations regarding applications.

Community Councils are statutory consultees in terms of section 21 of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 and are consulted on all applications for provisional/premises licences and major variations to premises licences. They are also consulted on the development of the Licensing Policy Statement and any supplementary Licensing Policy Statement.

It is the responsibility of a Community Council to satisfy Glasgow City Council that they have taken positive steps to ascertain the views of the wider community within their area, before making representations on any matter, on behalf of the community.

All Community Council meetings are open to the public, and residents are encouraged to attend their local Community Council, although the right is retained to discuss items of business in private if deemed appropriate to do so.

What are the roles and responsibilities?

A Community Council which conforms fully to the Scheme has rights:

  • to be consulted, and to make representations about planning applications
  • to be recognised as a competent body to comment on licensing applications
  • to seek information and assistance from Glasgow City Council
  • to receive an annual administration allowance subject to being in accordance with the Scheme
  • to be recognised as an appropriate body to apply for other Glasgow City Council funding

A Community Council's responsibilities include:

  • to conform to the requirements of the Scheme, Constitution and associated documentation
  • to be representative of all sectors of the community within their area
  • to conduct a minimum number of meetings each year
  • to produce and distribute minutes of every meeting of the community council
  • to annually prepare and publish an audited financial statement and inventory
  • to hold elections for membership to the Community Council in liaison with Glasgow City Council
  • to advertise throughout its area, in advance, all of its meetings
  • to identify effective consultation methods which enable effective engagement with the community on issues of significant public interest, and be able to provide evidence of these methods to Glasgow City Council
  • to conduct all meetings and business in accordance with the Scheme, Constitution and associated documentation; and the "Supplementary Guidance for Community Councils" (see section 3 of the Guidance - Guidance is subject to ongoing review)
  • to adopt and practice an equal opportunities policy (see clause 16 of the Scheme)
  • to ensure that every member conforms to their responsibilities as laid down in the community council's Constitution, Code of Conduct, and Standing Orders
  • to immediately advise Glasgow City Council when its current membership falls to half of its voting membership


How do I contact my local Community Council?

See details for contacting Community Councils on the Your Community Council page.

Glasgow City Council provide support to Community Councils. If you wish to make general enquiries with regards to Community Councils please contact the Communities Team via:

Telephone: 0141 287 0060
Post: Community Councils, Glasgow City Council, Communities Team, 82 George Square, Glasgow, G2 1DU


What obligations does Glasgow City Council have?

Glasgow City Council has a range of responsibilities in relation to Community Councils within the area:

  • to prepare, publish and review the Scheme as necessary, after due consultation with Community Councils and the public
  • to support Community Councils to conform to the requirements of the Scheme, Constitution and associated documentation
  • to arrange initial elections for new Community Councils
  • to manage interim elections for existing Community Councils
  • to conduct and administrate Community Council elections
  • to provide publicity for common election dates for Community Councils
  • to provide such financial and administrative assistance as is possible, subject to the various constraints placed on Glasgow City Council
  • to consult with and/or notify community councils e.g. on planning applications & licensing applications


Last modified on 03 May 2024

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