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Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)


Contact Us

HMO Licence

Advice and guidance about who requires an HMO Licence.

HMO Licensing Process

Information and advice on the HMO licensing process and how to make an application.

HMO Licensing Standards

Advice and guidance about HMO Licensing Standards.

HMO Licensing Exemptions

Advice and guidance about categories that are exempt from HMO Licensing.

How to Apply

Information on how to apply for a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Licence under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006.

Making a Representation

Guidance on making a representation to an application for HMO Licence.

HMO Inspection Documents

Advice and guidance on documents required during HMO Licence Inspections.

Report Unlicensed HMO Property

Advice on How to Report Unlicensed HMO Properties.

New Student HMO Developments

Advice and guidance on New Build Student HMO Developments.

Landlord Registration Scheme

Advice and guidance about the Landlord Registration Scheme and how to apply.

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