Window Cleaner Business Licence
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The business licence is for running a window cleaning business, employing licensed window cleaners.
Read our Guidance on Applying for information on the application process including details of:
- How to lodge an application
- Supporting documents required
- How the application will be processed
- The time it will take to get a decision
- What to do if you are unhappy with the decision
Please refer to our Fees and Charges for details of the current fee and accepted payment methods.
The application will not be accepted without the correct fee.
Payment should be made by BACS Transfer (electronic banking) to the Licensing Board Account.
When making payments please quote your licence reference number if you are a current licence holder or quote WC/Address of Premises if you are a new licence holder as detailed below
Account Name: Glasgow City Council - Licensing
Account No. 00116224
Sort Code: 83-44-00
Reference: WC/xxxxx (existing licence holder) or WC/address of premises e.g. WC/231 George Street.
Please note that your application will not be formally lodged until payment has been received. The fees are non-refundable.
Any person can make an objection or representation against a grant or renewal application during the 28 day consultation period.
Read our guidance on making an objection or representation for more information.