Non Domestic Rates Accepted Agents
There are currently over 27,961 Non Domestic subjects within Glasgow. In order to provide the most effective and efficient service we acknowledge that partnership working with agents is essential to drive forward our commitment to provide an excellent service.
A person or company who manages or owns 20 or more Non Domestic properties within Glasgow's jurisdiction and who have fully completed an annual declaration with Glasgow City Council, Non Domestic Rates Department.
If you become an Accepted Agent any account updates received will be considered as true and accurate information and the account(s) updated accordingly without the need for standard proofs or forms to be completed.
This enables you to make updates to accounts more efficiently than the standard process.
To become an Accepted Agent, please submit your details and that of your organisation via our Online Form. We will then review your submission and advise you of the next steps in the process to become an Accepted Agent.