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Street Change Glasgow Raises £12,500 for People Involved in Begging

Street Change Glasgow, the city's alternative giving scheme, has raised £12,500 for people involved in begging.

Published: 7th of March, 2022

Street change Glasgow

Street Change Glasgow, the city's alternative giving scheme, has raised £12,500 for people involved in begging.

So far, 35 people have been helped by the scheme, which was launched in Glasgow Central Station in March 2020.

There were more than 1600 donations totalling approximately £6,500 to Street Change Glasgow (SCG) despite lockdown and low footfall in the city centre during the pandemic. That figure was boosted by a donation of £4,500 from Best Bar None Glasgow and another £1,500 which was donated via the SCG Just Giving page.

There are two cashless donation points in Glasgow Central Station which accept debit cards and four others in licensed premises which were closed for periods due to Covid-19 restrictions. Additional locations for further donation points will be explored going forward.

Councillor Allan Casey told Glasgow City Council's Wellbeing Committee that the scheme is part of the city's wider Begging Strategy and Simon Community Glasgow, who administer the fund, plan to relaunch SCG, in coming months to increase public awareness.

Cllr Casey, Chair of the Glasgow Begging Strategy Steering Group,  said: "Despite significant challenges arising from Covid-19 and other factors, progress with the Glasgow Begging Strategy remains largely on track. Members of the Simon Community Street Team have been upskilled to provide people with financial inclusion advice and Street Change Glasgow will be relaunched post pandemic.

"Opportunities to roll out SCG and any other transferable projects to local town centres will be explored and work to establish partnerships with businesses which could offer individuals work experience or job opportunities is resuming."

Read more on Glasgow's Begging Strategy at

Last modified on 13 May 2024

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