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Central DRF

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The Central District Regeneration Framework (DRF) was approved by Glasgow City Council, and we are now focusing on the implementation of the action plan. 

The documents are available here:   Full Version  |  Summary Version   

The Central District is the fourth of nine developed as part of the City Centre Strategy. As its name suggests, the area defined as the Central District Regeneration Framework (CDRF) is at the heart of the city and the wider city region. Indeed, this area captures the essence of central Glasgow. The strongly defined urban street grid, the two major terminus rail stations, the riverfront, the principal streets including Buchanan Street, Argyle Street and Sauchiehall Street and civic squares such as George Square are all synonymous with Glasgow. In most people's mental map of Glasgow, the area between and around Glasgow Central and Queen Street Stations is the city centre.

The area covered in the Central District Regeneration Framework can be considered as the most 'complete' and intensive piece of the city centre, with the planned grid sweeping up Blythswood Hill still characterising this area. As Glasgow flourished following the Enlightenment and throughout the Industrial age the city centre expanded westward rapidly, leaving a rich urban architectural heritage in the contemporary cityscape. George Square is the natural civic gathering space in the city. Royal Exchange Sq., Nelson Mandela Sq. and Blythswood Sq. provide further evidence of Glasgow's historic grandeur. The "Golden Z" or "Style Mile" of Sauchiehall Street, Buchanan Street, and Argyle Street has long been the spine for Glasgow's retail and commercial core.

This District Regeneration Framework outlines a vision, projects and an action plan to refocus the Central District of Glasgow over the next ten years. It overlaps with adjacent DRFs, notably Broomielaw, St. Enoch, Blythswood and Sauchiehall & Garnethill and is intended to align with these DRFs and set out a framework for adapting Glasgow to the changing demands of contemporary city life as it faces local and international challenges.

In short, Glasgow is a city of perpetual change and its various transitions from a religious centre to a seat of learning to a city of merchants to the hyper-intense Industrial Glasgow and through to the present day has left a significant legacy, not least in this part of the city centre.

Preparing this Framework has been a collaborative effort involving many people with a stake and interest in the Central District and the wider city centre. Public Sector resource constraints will make partnership between the Public and Private sectors essential. Despite this, CDRF outlines a vision, objectives and proposals to redefine the Central district in the next ten years and beyond.

In summary, the many opportunities to regenerate Central are positioned around five main themes.

  • (Y)our Updated Mobility
  • (Y)our Great Streets and Spaces
  • (Y)our Great Buildings
  • (Y)our Vibrant Central
  • Transforming (Y)our Central

Within these themes are large, medium and small projects. The next stage is to assess feasibility and deliver change over the ten-year life of the project.

This city's motto is "Let Glasgow Flourish". If Glasgow is to flourish in the 21st Century the city centre will have to be at the vanguard of wider regeneration, with Central District at the fulcrum; right at the heart of (Y)our Future City Centre.

Last modified on 16 January 2023

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