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Townhead DRF

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This District is largely residential, made up of terraces and tower blocks, with some small-scale industrial units. It is dominated by motorway infrastructure and could have much more active connections and links to the city centre.

The area was subject to major clearance and redevelopment in the 1960's, removing most of the historic street patterns and existing tenements in favour of tower blocks. This means that there are opportunities to fill in gaps and focus on making the District more liveable.

The campaign for the Townhead Village Hall shows how strong the community is. This will be a really valuable resource as plans are developed and start to be implemented. Combined with the increase in the student population from the City of Glasgow College Campus there is a great opportunity to look at the public realm and amenities.

Townhead's identity as a community in the city needs to be reinforced and celebrated. By retrofitting Townhead it can flourish as a green and dynamic urban neighbourhood with a thriving and diverse residential community. Better connections (such as the Sighthill Bridge) in all directions can restore Townhead's role in the city, and open access to local services, jobs, skills and learning.

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Last modified on 05 March 2024

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