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Asset Transfer Requests

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What is it?

Detailed below are Asset Transfer Requests received by Glasgow City Council. (Click on the heading to see all documentation submitted with that Request).

All information is processed in accordance with Glasgow City Council and our Arms Length External Organisations Privacy Statement. All personal information is redacted from these documents prior to their publication.

Any representations made about a Request will also be made available here.  Please note that all representations will be copied to the Community Transfer Body for their comments. Where a decision has been made on a request, all documentation including the decision notice will be available to view under Decisions on Asset Transfer Requests

Where a request for review of a decision is received all documentation submitted with the request for review will be available to view under Requests for Review. Any representations on the request for review will also be made available here and be sent to the Community Transfer Body.

Priesthill Park, Priesthill Road, G56 6JB


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Last modified on 14 April 2023

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