Clustered Supported Living for Older Adults

Clustered Supported Living provides both housing and care in one location. It has been developed as an alternative type of support for older people at risk of having to go into residential care. It is designed to keep older people in the community for as long as possible and for the person to retain their independence. Clustered Supported Living is unique as it offers accommodation with a support package tailored to the older person's needs provided by on-site staff.

The service brings together delivery of housing (landlord) services, housing support, telecare, personal and non-personal care services to all tenants within the development using a dedicated, building-based staff team, so that service users receive a seamless and more flexible service, better able to respond to service user's needs and emergencies. Some landlords also supply a meals / dining room service accessed via landlord charges. All service users have access to a telecare / community alarm service. These services consist of equipment and services that support the safety and independence of users and complement the care packages provided in the supported accommodation.

The equipment can identify risks such as unsafe levels of smoke, allow users to call for help if they are unwell, have a fall etc. This connects with a 24 hour alarms receiving centre automatically if any of these problems occur.

In order to be considered for Clustered Supported Living the older person requires a Support Needs Assessment to be completed by social work. The Support Needs Assessment is a holistic look at the older persons needs e.g. personal care, laundry, housework, shopping and social support. Care providers are registered with the Care Inspectorate and are approved for provision of care and support for older people on the Council's Framework Agreement.

Last modified on 23 March 2023

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