Think Bike Motorcycle Campaign

Glasgow City Council's Road Safety Unit is running a city-wide 'Think Bike' Motorcycle Campaign in partnership with Police Scotland which will launch on 29 April 2024 for 3 weeks.
In Glasgow, over the past 3 years, 86 motorcyclists have been killed or seriously injured on Glasgow's roads with as many as 60% of all motorcycle collisions occurring at a junction.
The campaign is designed to encourage all drivers to look once, look twice and THINK BIKE at junctions.
Sorry Mate I Didn't See You (SMIDSY)
Research has shown that drivers aren't very good at spotting motorcyclists and other two wheelers because they occupy such a small part of our field of vision and when drivers do see motorcyclists, it's then difficult to gauge their speed compared to other larger vehicles.
'Sorry Mate I Didn't See You' (SMIDSY) is a phrase that is used too often by drivers who looked, but didn't actually LOOK for a motorcyclist.
So before pulling out of a junction, the best advice for drivers is LOOK all around AND make a specific check for motorcyclists coming towards you.
"They're not always easy to spot - but if you're expecting them to be there, then you're far more likely to see them in good time and prevent a serious or fatal collision.
Bikes are Back!
The number of riders on our roads tends to increase from March onwards and with a big increase in the number of young and sometimes inexperienced riders in the delivery industry, drivers need to pay more attention when negotiating junctions, especially when the view is restricted.
The campaign will also be benefit cyclists as the message is the same - GO SAFE AT JUNCTIONS and 'Look out for two wheelers'.
Tips for Drivers and Riders
Tips for Drivers
- Before pulling out at any junction, look slowly from side to side, a quick check isn't good enough to spot a motorcyclist
- Don't exit the junction unless you are positive the road is clear
Tips for Riders
- Take a position closer to the centre line of the road - this will help make you more visible
- As you approach a junction, consider weaving in your lane space if it's safe to do so
- If you see a car waiting to turn, assume the driver hasn't seen you; cover your brake and be prepared to stop or reduce your speed to avoid a collision