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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the School Car Free Zone Project?

It's a project to promote sustainable travel and reduce the impact of school gate parking. Phase 1 has been made permanent and Phase 2 will operate initially for an 18 month period during which its success will be monitored.

When is it due to start?

Phase 1 went live in August 2019.

Phase 2 went live on 19 October 2020.

How can I give feedback on the scheme?

We are keen to hear about how the scheme is working for you, over the next few months. All feedback will be evaluated, and the scheme will be adapted if necessary.

You can leave feedback by emailing us.

At the end of the evaluation period, all responses will be considered and a decision will be made as to whether the schemes should be made permanent, modified or revoked.

How do I apply for a permit?

Residents of the affected streets will automatically receive a permit which they will be required to display in their vehicle windscreen whenever they drive through the restriction. For further information visit our School Streets Permits page.

Parents or carers dropping children at school will not be eligible for a permit. 

What times are the restrictions in force?

Restrictions times can be found on our How the scheme will work page.


Will there be visitor permits?

At this time it is not proposed to provide permits to visitors. We are keen to hear about your experiences and as part of this we will review the feedback received, and look to put in place measures to mitigate any resulting issues where feasible.

I have a district nurse/carer that comes to visit me. What will happen to them?

District nurses, carers and similar support workers will be exempt from the restriction and will not require a permit.

I am a blue badge holder. What about me?

Blue badge holders are exempt from the restriction and will not require a permit. 

Who is going to enforce this restriction?

The Police are the enforcing body. The Council will initially be working with the Police to ensure that local residents and users of the road network are aware of the new restriction and are adhering to it. 

What is the penalty for driving through the area when the restrictions are in force?

The Police are able to issue a £50 fixed penalty fine to anyone caught driving through the restriction when it is in force.

If there's not a physical barrier how will this work?

There will be gateway signs at the entrance to each restricted street with details of the times that the restriction is in force. The Police are engaged with the Council and fully supportive of the initiative. 

Where can I park?

Parents/carers not able to walk their whole journey to school are being asked to park outside of the restriction and complete the last part on foot. 

We are currently working with local businesses to identify suitable alternative parking locations. 

  • For Lourdes Primary - Morrisons carpark
  • We continue to look for suitable venues for all locations and will update this page again if any locations are identified 

We ask that all parents/carers park considerately and consider the access needs of local residents when parking. 

Residents will be able to continue to access the S-CFZ when the restriction is in force. Any existing parking restrictions in place on the roads will continue to operate and anyone parking on them will be liable for the relevant penalty notice

The schools will be issued with an emergency permit which they will be able to allocate to staff or visitors with a specific need to drive through the School Streets during the period of the restriction. 

What about older people, such as grandparents, picking up children from these schools who can't walk very well?

We have identified a number of locations where parents and carers may wish to consider parking. Individuals with specific mobility concerns who are blue badge holders are exempt from the restriction and therefore will be unaffected by the proposal. 

What about the weekend and during the summer?

The scheme will only operate during the week, Monday to Friday during school term time only and will not be enforced when the school is closed, for example, bank holidays or in-service days. 

I live on the edge of the restriction - is parking going to be displaced on to my road?

Through the scheme we will be promoting alternative forms of travel and encouraging parents and children to walk to school from home. As such we do not anticipate significant levels of increased parking displacement, although it is acknowledged that there will be some as it is not possible for all parents/carers to walk to school. 

Where this is not possible, we have been working with local businesses to identify alternative parking locations for parents/carers to use. See our where can I park answer for further information. 

Last modified on 09 November 2023

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