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Foster a child - What is fostering?

Fostering is a way of offering a home to a child or children of all ages who can no longer remain in the care of their own families for a variety of reasons.

Foster carers commit to caring for Glasgow's most vulnerable children, providing them with a loving, secure and stable home in which their social, physical, intellectual, cultural and emotional needs are met.

Fostering is a partnership with the child's family and other agencies, such as health, education and other social work services, to achieve the best outcomes for children. 

Foster carers will attend a variety of meetings in relation to the child's care plan and will support the child to attend regular family time with their parents and brothers and sisters.

Are there different types of fostering?

There are three types of foster care:

  • Short Breaks - Short Breaks carers offer short stays to children and young people who are living at home or with a foster family to assist those families at difficult times. This might be a one-off arrangement, or a child might stay with a Short Breaks carer for regular, planned short breaks.  
  • Short-term foster care - Fostering is for children of all ages who can no longer remain in the care of their families for a variety of reasons. Children may stay in short-term foster care for only a few days but some may remain for much longer, depending on their individual circumstance.
  • Permanent foster care - Some children and young people are unable to return to their birth families. Permanent carers commit to caring for children and young people throughout childhood into adulthood. There is a careful matching process between children and permanent carers as it is anticipated that this will be the child's permanent family.


Can I foster?

We need foster carers from all walks of life and backgrounds, including people who have children and those who don't. Anyone can be a foster carer as long as they have the qualities, skills and experience required to look after children in care.

All applicants must be over 21 years old and have a spare room suitable for a child. Applicants do not have to be employed or own their own home.

We welcome enquiries from single people and couples. Couples do not need to be married or in a civil partnership but they must have lived together for a minimum of 2 years.

All applicants will be subject to local authority, health, employment and Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) checks.

We require foster carers who are committed to caring for Glasgow's most vulnerable children, and who will work in partnership with other agencies and parents to obtain the best possible outcomes for children.


How do I become a foster carer?

You can take the next step to begin the process of fostering by contacting Families for Children.

Phone 0345 276 5555 between 8.45am to 4.45pm Monday to Thursday and 8.45am to 3.55pm Friday or email us

Last modified on 10 May 2024

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