Sustainable staff campaigns
Tips to reduce, reuse and recycle including 'Think before you print' and our interactive Climate Literacy course

On this page we aim to bring you important sustainable news alongside top tips on how you can get involved and make small lifestyle changes that will make a real difference in the fight against climate change.
We showcase your amazing sustainable changes and put a spotlight on your actions.
Climate change - what is carbon net zero?
Climate change is the single biggest issue and challenge of our lifetime, and one with potentially devastating implications if we do not rise to that challenge and take prompt action.
Globally we are experiencing the devastating effects of climate change with erratic weather patterns, including: heatwaves; floods and severe storms; loss of polar ice; and, rising sea levels. This will only get worse if global warming intensifies.
The whole world needs to work together to stop the world gaining another 1.5 Celsius and a key way to achieve this is to move to net zero carbon.
Net zero carbon refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere. We reach net zero when the amount we add is no more that the amount taken away.
Climate change is being triggered by higher levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere - gases trap energy from the sun and warm the Earth's surface and the air above it. Causing these harmful changes. The most common greenhouse gas is water vapour, carbon dioxide and methane. Carbon dioxide is the most dangerous so to effectively address climate change we need to cut our carbon emissions and reduce our carbon footprint.
We all have a role to play in achieving this target - to take pride in our actions and benefit our city.
How you are making a difference - spotlight on your actions
COP26 inspired and highlighted many lifestyle changes that we can all make to become more sustainable- both at home and at work.
It has been really interesting to hear how COP26 inspired you to make a change.
Your actions are wide raging from recycling more food waste by building your own compost bins to changing household consumables for more sustainable options with less packaging and buying pre-loved garments.
You can read your actions here.
Be inspired - start a conversation and play your part
We all have our part to play. We can enjoy safer streets, cleaner air and warmer homes if we all act now.
84% of people in Scotland are concerned about climate change, but talking about it can help create more empowerment and provide a sense of unity and community (Ipsos, 2020). We all need to talk about climate change. It is happening now and affecting the day to day lives of people around the world, including in Scotland.
Find out key support and information on how to start these conversations Your words can change the world - start a climate conversation today!. - is our citywide campaign to encourage everyone to play their part and take action to make a difference. It showcases how together we can all help the city thrive. It aims to educate and inform residents on what the council is doing to make Glasgow a greener city and build better lives and better future for everyone.
Our staff sustainable living tips encourage you to think about how you can:
- reduce
- reuse
- recycle
- repair.
As outlined in our Circular Economy Route Map , to create a sustainable economic future for our city. Glasgow has committed to being a circular city by 2045.
So why not start to think green and follow some of our small behavioural change ideas to increase how you make things last, stop using them or to give them a second life. Your changes can make a difference to help reduce climate change.
Get involved - ideas to help you REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE
Every act we take makes a difference - we are all part of the solution.
There are numerous ways in which we can make small behavioural changes to make our homes and our lives more sustainable - from small habits in our daily lives to slightly larger investments. Every action we take can help make a real difference to protect our planet as well as reducing our energy bills.
Not sure where to start?
In this section we will provide some top tips to help you get started and make small behavioural changes to become environmentally conscious and live more sustainably. Taking these actions each day will help them to become a habit and then come naturally - to benefit both yourself and the environment.
Top tips will be regularly updated around key themes - so watch this space!
- Energy - tips to embrace habits to save energy and become energy efficient
- Carbon footprint - top tips to reduce your meat consumption and active travel
- Household food waste - key ideas on how to reduce your food waste
- Your printing and Think Before you Print - Top tips for using less paper
- Top tips to circular living - can you make the swap to a reusable item today?
- Top tips on how to get the most from your recycling - top tips for recycling at home and at work
Test your knowledge with our interactive Climate Literacy course
Our Climate Literacy course on GOLD will help you to learn more or refresh your knowledge on climate issues and understand how we can all can take action.
Climate education is an essential step in helping us all to take action to reduce emissions and build resilience. The new Climate Literacy GOLD course provides an introduction to climate science, mitigation and adaptation and will help us to spread the knowledge and understanding needed to support action within our roles at work and in our personal lives.
It helps to explain complex issues in a simple way and showcases real Glasgow examples. Understanding what is happening to our climate, and what that means for Glasgow, allows us all to be empowered to make a change and apply this learning to our day to day lives.
Take the course here.
Think before you print - staff campaign
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- REDUCE - tips on saving energy and being energy efficient
- REDUCE - key tips to reduce your carbon footprint
- REUSE - top tips to circular living
- RECYCLE - top tips on recycling at home and in the office
- REDUCE - tips on reducing food waste
- REDUCE our printing - go paperless