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Case Study

We're always looking for more Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteers. If you're interested in volunteering, give us a phone on 0141 276 7400 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Why did you decide to become a Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteer?

When I first moved to the Kelvingrove/Yorkhill area, there were really bad problems with commercial waste and fly tipping littering the streets. Rather than moan about it, I realised I needed to be proactive in dealing with it and that's why I became a NIV. The support of the Council has been tremendous, and through their actions, together with regular litter picks by volunteers and the involvement of the Yorkhill and Kelvingrove Community Council, the area is much cleaner.

What does your role involve?

I do regular litter picks and report issues such as fly tipping to the Council. I'm also actively involved with a great local group, Yorkhill Greenspaces, which is aiming to improve three local parks by regular litter picking and planting activities. The group has made a real difference to the local area since its formation just over a year ago. I am also part of the Yorkhill and Kelvingrove Community Council's sub-committee on cleansing which has allowed me to get more involved in working to make local streets cleaner.

Why is it important to step up?

Clean streets and public spaces are so integral to good health and community cohesion that we all need to get involved.

Who inspires you and why?

I recently watched the documentary Nae Pasaran and was really inspired by Bob Fulton, a shop steward in Rolls Royce who in 1974 'blacked' Hawker Hunter jet engines destined for Chile's airforce in an act of solidarity against the coup which had just taken place there the year before. After watching the film, my friends all commented that the world would be a better place if we could all be more like Bob.

Best piece of advice ever given, and who gave it to you?

Be more like Bob. Also, a former colleague once reminded me that life is not a rehearsal, which is good advice.

Worst piece of advice ever given, and who gave it to you?

Don't volunteer for anything if you want to get on in your career.

Favourite spot in Glasgow and why?

Kelvingrove Park; it's just such an amazing public space.

Describe yourself in three words:

Hard-working, loyal, litter-obsessive.

Last modified on 11 August 2023

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