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Parents Portal

Parents Portal

In line with Glasgow's Digital Citizen policy and ambition to transform communications between schools and Parents/Carers, is now operational in all primary and secondary schools. 

Parents Portal replaces the 'schoolbag run' and provides instant online access to a range of school related administration services for Parents/Carers.

Parent Portal Services

Parents Portal will provide access to Parents/Carers on a 24 hour basis, services include the options to:

  • Update their address and contact details
  • Review the Annual Data Check which contains personal details about their child
  • Sign Permission Slips electronically
  • Make online booking for Parents Evenings (Primary Schools only)
  • View their child's attendance
  • View the school calendar
  • Report their child's Absence
  • Free Bus Travel application (NEC - National Entitlement Card - for Primary Schools only)
  • Access to key info e.g. Period Dignity

The above list is not exhaustive. More services will continue to be added in the future.

How to Access Parents Portal

To use Parents Portal, Parents/Carer must have a MyGov account. They can then use the same login details to access Parents Portal.

Parents Portal is only available for Parents/Carers of Primary and Secondary school children.

Please watch the videos below to learn more about the experiences from some of those who have been using Parents Portal since its initial introduction in November 2021.


Apply for a National Entitlement Card using Parents Portal

This video will show you how to apply for a National Entitlement Card for children under 11. However, you must be linked to your child already on Parents Portal before applying. Guidance on how to link to your child on Parents Portal is also available under Related documents.

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Last modified on 15 August 2023

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