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Glasgow Business Growth Phase 3

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Glasgow City Council's Glasgow Business Growth Programme is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and will be delivered by the Business Growth Team within Economic Development.

The aim of the programme is to help SMEs in Glasgow to grow by helping them to access a network of expert consultancy support. The Glasgow Business Growth Programme brings together the public, private, education and third sectors, to develop an unrivalled level of local support which will grow the city's economy in a fair and inclusive way.

SMEs will have access to a range of specialist support across Lots 1-8 including Business Structuring and Digital Development amongst others, through a tiered programme of support that rewards businesses based on their commitment to inclusive economic growth. This will enable eligible SMEs access to a framework of suppliers in a way that best suits their growth aspirations.

SMEs will also have access to up to 3 days of additional expert support in Lot 9 which is our Green Business Lot.

We aim to use our Business Accelerator Lot to deliver bespoke programmes based on feedback and demand from our stakeholders. We will use a mini-competition approach to deliver these using the suppliers we have appointed to this Lot to ensure we appoint the best supplier for each potential programme. These programmes will combine traditional teaching methodologies with guidance and mentorship, meaning businesses can grow at an accelerated rate.

Support Available

There is a range of expert support available across ten different lots. Sub-categories of services delivered, but not limited to, within each lot is detailed below. The programme is now open for applications and will close to new applications on 20 December 2024 or when budget is fully allocated (whichever is earlier).



Lot 1

Business Structuring

  • Board Development
  • Company Structuring
  • Franchising
  • Business Succession / Acquisition / Management Buy outs / Employee ownership
  • Company Governance, Business Law / Contracts
  • Ethical Management
  • Intellectual Property

Lot 2

Business Growth

  • Strategic Planning
  • Change Management
  • Pitching and Procurement
  • Operations Management
  • Turnaround
  • Mergers and Acquisition

Lot 3

Leadership, Skills and Resources

  • Organisation Development and Succession Planning
  • Leadership and Management
  • Accreditation
  • Capacity Building and HR Support
  • Hybrid Working / Remote Leadership Skills

Lot 4

Business Financial Management

  • Financial Management
  • Financial Readiness
  • Preparing for Investment
  • Alternative Finance
  • Company Valuation / Succession Planning
  • Taxation
  • Cloud Accounting
  • Turnaround
  • Mergers and Acquisition 

Lot 5

Design Thinking and Innovation

  • Problem Solving
  • Development
  • Testing and validation
  • Understanding Innovation (Architectural, Radical, Incremental and Disruptive)
  • Product (Market-driven) Innovation
  • Process (Technology-driven) Innovation
  • Service (Business Model) Innovation
  • Service Products

Lot 6

Sales and Marketing

  • Sales
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Branding

Lot 7


  • Support for Importing / Exporting / Taxes and Tariffs
  • Market Analysis and Development
  • Structuring for Internationalisation / International Strategy
  • Visa Sponsorship Licensing

Lot 8

Digital Development and Innovation

  • Social Media
  • Data Analytics and exploitation
  • Customisation of software or App development
  • Expertise to support the business to exploit technology for business improvement
  • Cyber Security and GDPR

Lot 9     

Green Business Support

  • Energy Efficiency and Renewables
  • Circular Economy
  • Climate Resilience and Adaptation
  • Sustainability
  • Active Travel

Lot 10  

Business Acceleration

  • This Lot will provide support in a different, more targeted, and innovative way for organisations at
    various stages of growth. These interventions could focus on emerging themes and would target
    he key and emerging sectors. They could combine traditional teaching methodologies with guidance
    and mentorship. These programmes could include expert services as outlined in Lots 1-9.


Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for support, you should be:

  • A community interest company, limited company, limited liability partnership, public limited company, sole trader or legally constituted third sector organisation.     
  • Employ fewer than 250 employees.
  • Operate from within Glasgow City Council boundary and, if in business premises, must be registered with the Non Domestic Rates office within the Council (Postcode checker:
  • Please also be aware there have been some recent changes to the Small Business Support Scheme. Details of these changes can be found here.

  • Businesses must be compliant with Minimal Financial Assistance threshold of £315,000 over the current and the previous two financial years. The threshold will not be exceeded by the amount the business will receive if grant award is approved. 
  • Must not be engaged in any activities such as gambling or other industries that could be deemed unethical.

The following are not eligible for funding:

  • Businesses who possess undischarged bankrupts, subject to insolvency proceedings or an individual who has entered into an arrangement with his/her creditors (including a trust deed)

Any outstanding debts to Glasgow City Council will be taken into consideration. The offer of support will be subject to specific Terms and Conditions set out in an individual award letter.

The following sectors are unlikely to be eligible for support:

  • Retail, leisure and the service sector - such as restaurants, shops and hotels
  • Sale of Motor Vehicles - Car showrooms and sales forecourt
  • Real Estate / Speculative Property Development - Estate Agent, Letting Agent
  • Professional Services - Solicitor, Accountant, Consultant, Doctors and Dentists
  • Social and Personal Services - sanitation, recreational, artistic, cultural and sporting activities, close contact services
  • Locally traded services - these are businesses whose trade is limited to a local area, and whose direct competitors are other local businesses

If you're unsure whether or not your business would be eligible, you can get in touch:

Call 0141 319 4697 or email Business Growth.

The programme cannot support projects that have already started. As noted above, any outstanding debts to Glasgow City Council will be taken into consideration.

Application Process

To apply please complete our Application Form.  Please note, we recommend you complete the online enquiry form in one session as progress will not be saved.

Please have copies of the following ready prior to starting to complete the form:

  • Proof of trading address
  • Copy of lease if not liable for Non Domestic Rates
  • Any other relevant information

Once we have received your enquiry form a Business Advisor will be in touch within 10 working days in order to carry out an appraisal. If your application is approved, an award letter will be issued. A Business Advisor will then work with your company to determine the support required and from which Lot.

A supplier is then selected and offered the work. Suppliers are paid on completion of the work carried out and there is no upfront cost to businesses and no financial contribution required.

Conditions of Support

  • Eligible organisations will be limited to one award throughout the framework duration. However, an organisation may also be awarded an additional package of support from Lot 9 Green Business Support.
  • Successful applicants will be required to complete an evaluation survey at the end of the project.
  • The final grant will be subject to specific Terms and Conditions set out in an individual grant award letter.


Unacceptable Actions Policy

Our staff are here to assist you with your business enquiry however, insulting or abusive behaviour towards our staff will not be tolerated.  Please note that our services may be withdrawn in line with our Unacceptable Actions Policy if anyone is considered as being abusive.

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This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.  Successful applicants should follow UK Shared Prosperity Fund branding and publicity requirements. Please click here for details.

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Last modified on 18 July 2024

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