Advertise With Us

What are the benefits?
Glasgow City Council remains one of the largest employers in Glasgow, with 30,000 employees living and working in the city. Our staff intranet and payment zone My Portal present affordable and effective ways to reach our large workforce, attracting thousands of potential customers every day.
Your Audience
- Our Intranet Connect is accessed by 16,000 employees per day with page views reaching 50,000.
- Our staff payment area My Portal is accessed by 17,000 Glasgow City Council and wider Glasgow City Council Family employees.
- View our Digital Advertising Rate Card (PDF, 2 MB)
What We Offer
Glasgow City Council offers a trusted and valued service for your advertising needs.
Advertise to our staff
- Full colour adverts on our intranet Connect, accessible at all times
- A full colour banner on our intranet Connect, which will form part of a 4 banner slide on the home page
- Video campaign on our intranet Connect.
- A full colour Rotational banner on our staff payment zone, My Portal
Large Display screen advertisement
Display your advert on our large display screens placed strategically around staff break areas in our High Street and Glasgow City Chambers locations. The package includes a maximum of three slides that will form part of a continuous looping presentation.
Package options, technical specs and pricing are available in PDF format below.
Promotions, Competitions and Offers
We offer promotional marketing through competitions in our staff intranet. If you would like to use a competition or offer to promote an event, business or product please contact us.
From just £50+VAT per hour, our in-house graphic design team will offer creative and innovative solutions for your advertising needs. For more information please contact us.
General Principles
An advertisement will not be accepted if it, in the reasonable opinion of the Council:
- Is inappropriate or objectionable
- may result in the Council being subject to prosecution
- promotes gambling
- promotes payday loans
- refers to tobacco or similar products
- promotes the misuse of alcohol or promotes the use of alcohol to children
- might be deemed inappropriate for children, for example, violent films, pornography and so on
- appears to influence support for a political party/candidate
- appears to conflict with the Council's wider promotion of healthy and active lifestyles
- appears to promote racial or sexual discrimination, or discrimination on the basis of disability, faith, gender or age
- Is the subject of a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority and upheld by such Authority as a legitimate complaint.
The above list is not exhaustive, and the Council retains the right to refuse advertising on the grounds that, in the Council's opinion, it is inappropriate, or it conflicts with services already provided by the organization.
Whilst every effort has been made to make sure the accuracy of the content of the advertisements contained in this publication, Glasgow City Council cannot accept any liability for errors or omissions contained in any of the advertisements provided by an advertiser. Glasgow City Council does not accept any liability for any information or claims made by the advertisement or by the advertisers. Any inclusion of Glasgow City Council's name on a publication should not be taken as an endorsement by Glasgow City Council.
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