Road Safety Speeding Campaign

The Campaign message 'If you hit someone at 30 they're 7 times more likely to die than at 20' is designed to make drivers think about how their speed can impact on our most vulnerable road users.
Research shows that younger children cannot accurately judge the speed of vehicles travelling faster than 20mph and are more likely to step out or make risky decisions when vehicles are travelling at 30 or 40mph.
Travelling one mile through a residential area at 20mph versus 30mph will only add 60 seconds to your journey and could save a child's life - so we are appealing to all drivers to slow down in our local communities and look out for vulnerable road users, especially children, during the school summer break when they are more likely to be outside for longer periods of time, than usual.
Travelling at inappropriate speeds is a significant factor in a number of road crashes and many serious and fatal collisions could easily be avoided if drivers SLOW DOWN AND DRIVE SAFE - REMEMBER - 20's PLENTY!