Boyd, William Ballantine 31743 (1892 - 1917)

Private, 1st Bn. Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)
Buried at Tyne Cot Memorial
Commemorated at Bellahouston Academy Roll of Honour
William was the only son of William Boyd, 5 Church Road, Glasgow. Before the war he was employed by the Grand Trunk Railway System, first in the Glasgow office and then for one and a half years in Liverpool. When the staff in Glasgow were depleted he was sent back to the office.
He joined up in January 1917. After training at Nigg, Rosshire, he was sent to France where he arrived on the 11 November 1917. After only a few days in the trenches he was sent up the line in charge of seven signallers. William was killed on the 25th November 1917 at Passchendaele, Belgium.
Last modified on 13 November 2023