Campbell, William H 4606 (1894 - 1916)

Private, 6th Bn. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
Buried at Grove Town Cemetery
Commemorated at Bellahouston Academy Roll of Honour
William enlisted in the 6th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders in November 1914. He was wounded in 1915 and spent a long time in hospital in Newcastle. Early in July 1916 he went to France as a rangefinder. He was wounded on 26 September by a sniper, in front of Morvel and was removed to No. 34 Casualty Clearing Station where he died on 28 September 1916. He was buried between Bray and Méaulte, France. He was 22 years old.
William was the only son of Mr and Mrs John Campbell who resided at 3 Harley Street, Ibrox, Glasgow. Private Campbell was an apprentice wood-carver with Messrs John Craig & Sons, Paterson Street. In hospital his skill as a violinist made him a general favourite in all the hospitals he was treated in with doctors and nurses welcoming him as a valuable helper.