Wallace, James W. G. (1892 - 1919)

Second Engineer, SS "Clan Chisholm"
Buried at
Commemorated at Bellahouston Academy Roll of Honour
James was the only son of Chief Engineer James Wallace and Mrs Wallace, 8 Jura Street, Cardonald, Glasgow.
On leaving school in 1909 he served his apprenticeship with Messrs Ross & Duncan.
In 1914 joined the "Clan Line" as Fifth Engineer. In that year his ship was engaged in carrying Indian troops to Marseilles (France). He rapidly rose to be Second Engineer and served on various vessels of the Clan Line. In 1917 his ship, the "Clan McWilliam" collided with one of our men-of-war and both boats were damaged. While in this state of distress a German submarine appeared on the scene and fired three torpedoes at the "Clan McWilliam", sinking her. He was then on the "Clan Chisholm" for some time.
Owing to the hardships he had undergone whilst at sea his health broke down and he came home ill. He did not regain his strength and he died on of pneumonia 28th February 1919. He was 27 years of age.