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Sinclair, Fred Bass (1898 - 1919)

Fred Sinclair

Lance Corporal, 6th Bn. Highland Light Infantry

Buried at

Commemorated at Hillhead High School

Lance-Corporal Fred B. Sinclair was the- second son of Dr. and Mrs. Sinclair, Millport. Like his brothers, he received most of his education at Hillhead High School. He was a somewhat reserved and diffident boy among strangers, but in the company of intimates he was cheery and bright, and had plenty to say for himself. He was a steady, reliable worker at School, and always took a creditable place in his classes.

He was looking forward to farming as a career, but the war intervened, and he became a soldier instead. In November, 1915, he enlisted in the 6th H.L.I., and after a long period of training in this country he went to France in the autumn of 1916. He came through much rough campaigning, which he accepted in his usual imperturbable fashion. He was slightly wounded in January, 1917, and more seriously in May of the same year.

After some months in hospital he was again reported fit for service, and left for France in March, 1918. This time he was attached to the 1st R.S.F. He was not in the front line two weeks when he was again seriously wounded, losing the sight of his left eye. In June, 1918, he was discharged from the colours as unfit for further service. He remained at home convalescing during the winter, and was looking forward to work on a farm when spring came round.

In February, 1919, while on a visit to Glasgow he contracted pneumonia, and passed away on the last day of the month, aged twenty-one years. The memory of his sterling character and unfailing devotion to duty will long be cherished by his friends and old schoolfellows.

Last modified on 17 November 2023

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