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How to book an Electronic Notetaker

What is Electronic Notetaking

Electronic Notetaking is a system that provides virtually simultaneous access to spoken information to people who are deaf and hard of hearing, facilitating equal participation with their hearing colleagues,

The Electronic Notetaker uses a software program to type audio inro a computer and the transcript appears in nearly real time for service users to be able to access. Electronic Notetakers can also be booked by hearing clients for recording transcripts of events. 

Electronic Notetakers can support communication for a number of scenarios including; conferences, events, meetings and council appointments.

Making a booking

When organising a meeting or event or publishing a document, it should be standard practice to promote the availability of alternative formats or languages.  See the How To Promote Alternative Formats and Languages section for more information.

Once a need has been identified you should contact a potential supplier outlining the service you are looking for and a proposed timeline to ask for a quote.

Things to consider when requesting an Electronic Notetaker

  • Format - What is the format of the meeting for example face-to-face or remote video
  • Number - The number of people involved for  example one to one, small workshop or meeting, larger event with formal presenters
  • Content - What will be the theme and structure of the meeting

A suggested request template is available at end of this 'How To' section


If an individual requirement is less than £10,000, it can be sourced at the discretion of the individual. For anything between that and £50,000 it would be a request to Corporate Procurement Unit (CPU) for a quick quote. Guidance for this is available on the CPU intranet pages here.


Responsibility for providing an interpreter or translation is with the council family and not the Service User.  Interpreting and translation services should be paid from responsible programme or Service budgets. Steps should be taken by budget holders to make sure that appropriate funding is available for these services.

Potential Suppliers

It should be noted that this is not a definitive list of suppliers. Alternative suppliers can be contacted.


Contact Details

Deaf Action



Tel: 0800 014 1401

Sign Language Interactions


Tel: 0333 344 7712

Suggested Request Template

Format of meeting


Number of participants


Content of meeting









Last modified on 22 November 2023

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