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Let's Look Out for Each Other Campaign


The Go Safe Glasgow road safety partnership, chaired by Glasgow City Council, has just launched its biggest ever road safety and public spaces campaign in collaboration with colleagues across Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability (NRS). The LET'S LOOK OUT FOR EACH OTHER campaign has been designed to appeal to all road users; regardless of whether people choose to drive, walk, wheel or cycle - the simple message is 'let's look out for each other' and use our roads and public spaces with courtesy, care and mutual respect.

Roads Policing Inspector Hugh Nicoll from the road safety partnership said: "Sadly, 2023 has seen an unprecedented and unexpected rise in road deaths, with 10 pedestrians, including 2 children and 2 people on bikes killed on the city's roads. Drivers have a key role to play on our roads and have a duty to look out for our most vulnerable road users. Likewise, other road users need to play their part and take care on their journey. Recent changes to the highway code have also transformed the hierarchy of road users, placing more responsibility on drivers to look out for and give way to pedestrians and people on bikes, particularly at junctions".

Jenny O'Hagan, NRS Divisional Director of Operations said: "This is a notable example of two NRS teams working together and using a combination of internal and external funding to deliver a crucial campaign to keep people safe on our roads and public spaces. We all need to look out for each other; however, drivers can make the biggest difference by driving slower in residential areas, giving way to pedestrians waiting to cross at junctions and looking twice for two wheelers when entering and exiting junctions. One quick look in the mirror - even when stationary, could save a life".

As a result of the increase in road deaths, a new digital road safety roundtable has been established to get the publics' view on road safety and how to make our roads safer for everyone. For more information on the survey and proposals please see our video below.

Glasgow City Council has committed to achieving net zero carbon, a minimum reduction of 30% of car kilometres travelled, and 'Vision Zero' where no-one is killed or seriously injured on Glasgow's roads, streets, cycle ways and footpaths, all by 2030. 

The purpose of these ambitions is to create a safer, fairer and healthier city for the people who live and work here. The way people move around Glasgow has a huge part to play in creating a clean and sustainable city, reducing inequality and growing an inclusive economy. The Council want to create opportunities for people to travel easily and sustainably, by designing streets for people, making efficient use of road space and in turn reducing the reliance on cars. 

Positive road safety attitudes and behaviours have a huge part to play in achieving Glasgow's ambitions. 

The campaign includes an STV advert, radio, digital media and traditional media such as bus backs and newspaper ads and will run from November 2023 through to January 2024.

Let's Look Out for Each Other and Go Safe Glasgow.

Last modified on 09 August 2024

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