Commercial Waste Enforcement
Phone 0141 287 1059 (Option 3 Public Health)
Businesses of every kind have a responsibility under Environmental Protect Act 1990 to ensure the proper disposal of their waste using an approved waste contractor. Commercial Waste Enforcement staff from this service have the power to request details of waste disposal documentation to check that commercial waste has been disposed of properly. Failure to provide documentation i.e. Duty of Care/Waste Transfer Note may result in legal proceedings.
Under the Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 Commercial businesses have a legal duty to segregate waste at source for the purpose of recycling. This will mean that your business will need facilities and procedures in place for recycling. With a host of recyclable materials such as paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, timber and metals all being segregated from your residual waste. Your waste contractor will be able to provide this for you. Note if you are a food business and produce over 5kg of food waste from the 1 January 2016. You will be required to have a food waste recycling collection.
This unit targets the improper disposal of commercial refuse on the City's streets and local areas. This includes taking enforcement action against proprietors who do not have their waste presented in contractor's sacks or containers; stored safely to prevent escape of litter or pollution; protected from the effects of weather, human or animal scavenging and properly sealed in bins which are not overflowing. It is also an offence for waste to be placed outside for collection longer than is necessary. Fixed penalty Notices of £80 may be issued when presentation of commercial waste does not meet the above criteria and is therefore causing or likely to cause defacement by litter.
If waste has been deemed to have been fly tipped the resulting fine under the regulations is £500.
If a recurring defacement by litter or refuse problem can clearly be traced to a specific business, such as a take away premises, then this unit have powers to issue a Street Litter Control Notice on the premises. Requirements of the notice shall relate to the clearing of litter from the specified area or street frontage.
The team as part of its daily duties regularly provides businesses with advice relating to their compliance of environmental regulation. Providing your business with essential information relating to your business waste activity, the regulations and the sustainability of a greener cleaner city. For this purpose the team will give each business an advice sheet detailing code of practice when dealing with their waste within the City of Glasgow. Thus ensuring the business understands their responsibilities when dealing with their waste.