Food Law Inspections

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Food Law Inspections are carried out to identify the hazards associated with a specific food business and to assess the risk to public health from the food operations on the premises. Generally speaking, the legislation enforced during inspections is:

The Food Hygiene (Scotland) Regulations 2006 and EC Regulation 852/2004

All food premises in Glasgow are inspected at a frequency which is proportional to their risk - in accordance with the Food Law Rating System published by the Food Standards Scotland. The highest risk premises will be inspected every month and, the lowest risk businesses may only be visited every 3 years. Factors which are taken into consideration in determining the risk include the type of food being handled, the number of consumers supplied, if vulnerable groups are supplied, conditions found at the time of inspection and the food business operator's history of compliance.

Last modified on 07 May 2024

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