Planning Regeneration
Information on delivery of SDF and LDF Action Programmes, Town Centre Action Plans and other planning-led initiatives to support area-based regeneration.
Development Frameworks
Information about Strategic Development Frameworks (SDFs) and Local Development Frameworks (LDFs).
City Centre Activities
Information and guidance on City Centre activities, Projects taking place, links to Regeneration and District Regeneration Frameworks and more.
River Clyde Activities
River Clyde Activities and Projects such as River Activation Programme, Govan-Partick Bridge, Byres Road Development, Pontoons, Tidal Weir and more.
Townscape Heritage Initiatives
Information on the Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) Programme.
Completed Projects
Information can been found here on past projects that have now been completed.
Information about Glasgow projects including City Deal, Active Travel, Liveable Neighbourhoods, Planning/Housing Regeneration, Transport and more.