Booking system - RSLs, Charities and Commercial Businesses
Book Recycling Facilities (opens new window)
We operate an online booking system to manage how material is brought to our facilities by Registered Social Landlords, Charities and Commercial Businesses.
By controlling our sites in this way, we are able to manage facilities more effectively and provide the best possible customer service experience.
Who needs to book a slot to bring material to us?
At this stage only the following customer types are required to book a slot prior to bringing any recyclable and non-recyclable material to our sites:
- Registered Social Landlords (RSLs)
- Charities
- Commercial businesses
How do I book?
You will need a valid account number to use the online booking system. If you do not have an account with GCC you can set one up here.
You can quickly book an available slot online.
During the booking process you will be able to select a date, time and depot to deposit your recyclable and non-recyclable materials.
A confirmation of your booking will be emailed to you; please retain this for arrival at the site.
You must have a valid booking prior to attending site or you will be refused entry.
How much does it cost?
You can find out how much it costs by viewing our Book of Charges.
What happens when I arrive at site?
You must only attend your chosen site at the date and time confirmed during the booking process.
On arrival at site, please report to the weighbridge where a member of our staff will confirm your booking details and ask to see a copy of your booking confirmation.
You will then be weighed, recorded, and our site staff will provide direction to safely deposit your material.
Disposing of upholstered seating
We are changing the way we treat waste upholstered domestic seating. This includes any seating items with cushions or padding, such as sofas, office chairs and futons.
If you are bringing upholstered seating to a waste transfer station for disposal then please look for the upholstered seating signage. If you are unsure or have any queries, please check with a member of staff on site.
All WUDS must be segregated from other waste
All WUDS (Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating) must be segregated from other waste before bringing them to a waste transfer station which will now have a specific area bay available to tip for this type of material.
Note: Mixed loads containing WUDS and other waste may be rejected. You will be asked to take the whole load away and segregate the WUDs before returning to the waste transfer station.
Why are we making this change?
Upholstered seating may have been coated with a flame retardant, containing Persistent Organic Pollutants - also referred to as POPs.
POPs present a long-lasting risk to the environment and are found in a variety of products, including soft furnishings. The Scottish Environment Protection Agency requires upholstered seating to be segregated from other waste.
What is included?
- Sofas
- Sofa beds and futons
- Armchairs
- Kitchen and dining room chairs
- Stools and foot stools
- Home office chairs
- Bean bags, floor and sofa cushions
- Electrical recliner chairs

Charities and Traders
If you are a registered charity you can continue to bring segregated WUDS to a waste transfer station free of charge.*
If you are a trader there is now a charge for bringing segregated WUDS to a waste transfer station. You can view the current weighbridge charge at the Book of Charges here (link)*
*Note, you must have a valid booking before bringing items to a waste transfer station (opens new window).