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Archived 'Join us' Staff Training and Events 2025



Wednesday 22 January 2025


9.30am - 12.30pm

MS Teams

Sign Up

Autism Awareness Workshop

Autism is a complex and challenging condition for many individuals and their families. This 3-hour interactive virtual workshop delivered by Signs4Life will provide you with an understanding of what autism is, language/Communication Stereotypes and other behavioural social interaction learning

Thursday 23 January 2025

2pm - 3.30pm

MS Teams

Sign Up

New Year, New Start: Get Active at Work

Are you feeling sluggish and need to get your oomph back? Then why not come along to a fun and interactive session on MS Teams delivered by our colleagues from the NHS GG&C Employment & Health Team. We will look at how our work environments contribute to sedentary behaviour, and discuss some easy to implement solutions for being more active during our work days such as 'exercise snacking'. We will also take you through some simple keep fit and stretching activities!

Thursday 23 January

Room 2.24, City Chambers East Building at 40 John Street

various slots

email to book

Seated Acupressure Massage Sessions

Take time out of your busy day for you and your wellbeing and book a 15-minute seated acupressure massage with Grace Taylor from Incorporate Massage. Cost £15 - payment to Grace on arrival.

Booking conditions apply - This health and wellbeing service is very popular with staff and places fill up quickly. Please provide 24 hours if you need to cancel otherwise you may be charged for missed appointments. 

Location and access - Massages will be carried out in the private Wellbeing Room 2.24, City Chambers East Building at 40 John Street. If you do not have access to the building, please report to the reception at 40 John Street - where you will be issued with a temporary building pass for this session. Please make sure that you return your pass to reception, before you leave the building, so it can be used by the next visitor.

Massage format - The massage uses Swedish Massage Techniques, Incorporating the head, neck, shoulders, back, hands and arms, to help reduce stress. It is fully clothed with no oils used. Various 15 minute time slots are availble from 10am onwards

To book - email to book and title it "GCC Massages". Please provide your name and both the date and time slot you are interested in. 

30 January 2025

11am - 12pm

Online Sign Up

*Requires an ENEI account, free for GCC staff and simple to set up.

Last chance to sign up! Open to All: Safe Spaces, Preventing Harassment Webinar

Harassment has no place at work. Delivered by ENEI, in partnership with the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA), this session will cover legal definitions, employer responsibilities, prevention strategies, and fostering a save, inclusive culture. Aimed at all staff, the webinar will help you to:

  • Understand the legal definition of harassment and our responsibilities to prevent this at work
  • Learn practical strategies to prevent harassment and create a safe and inclusive environment for all
  • Develop skills to confidently address and respond to incidents of harassment, including harassment by third parties
  • Understand how to prevent harassment in customer-facing environments.





Tuesday 4 February

10:00 am to 10.45am 

register here 


Having the Mental Health Conversation - Bitesize Webinar 

Around one in four of us will experience a mental health problem at some point in our lives, yet people are still afraid to talk about it. Talking openly and honestly can be the first step towards better mental health for everyone. It can reduce stigma and help people feel comfortable to seek help when they need it. That's why, in the run up to this years' Time to Talk Day on 6 February, we are joining forces with the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH) who will be delivering this bite sized session to help equip us with the skills to have mental health conversations in the workplace. This session is for anyone with an interest on this subject.

The session will:

  • explore the definition of mental health and wellbeing, and how this shapes initiating a supportive conversation
  • provide practical advice and guidance on how to facilitate a helpful conversation, including the use of positive and supportive language.
  • discuss tools that can be used to help facilitate an effective conversation about mental health.

4 February 2025

10am - 12pm

MS Teams

Sign Up

Making the Most of Your Money

Learn how to make the most of your money through the use of simple budgeting techniques, finding out how the credit scoring system works, understanding debt, borrowing and 'buy now, pay later' schemes.

Delivered by Glasgow Credit Union, in partnership with NHS GGC Employment & Health Team, this online session aims to support staff with their financial wellbeing.

6 February

12noon - 1pm

MS Teams: Register Here

Time to Talk: Getting Comfortable Talking About Mental Health

Join the conversation on Getting Comfortable Talking About Mental Health. This webinar highlights how conversations can break down barriers to people seeking help.

6 February 2025

11am - 12pm

Online Sign Up

*Requires an ENEI account, free for GCC staff and simple to set up.

Race Equality in Action: Empowering Change, One Step at a Time

This Race Equality Week (3-9 Feb), ENEI invite all staff to attend this live online event where they will be:

  • Discussing how to move beyond awareness by implementing practical steps for racial equality
  • Discovering how leaders and employees can champion racial equity, creating a united front where every team member feels responsible for upholding inclusion and diversity.
  • Learning to set actionable, measurable goals and track progress to ensure that every action contributes to long-term impactful change toward racial equality.

12 February 2025

10am - 12.30pm

MS Teams

Sign Up

Disability Awareness Training for Employees

Join us for this informative online session with Glasgow Disability Alliance (GDA) which will provide you with a broad understanding of disability equality issues in the workplace. Develop key knowledge and build confidence in implementing best practice in your workplace engagement with disabled people who are service users

12 February 2025

10am to 4pm

Click here to register on the Public Health Scotland portal.

Please note that the MS Teams link to join will be sent to you separately following registration in advance of the session.

Mentally Healthy Workplaces Line Manager Training

A supportive manager can be crucial in supporting wellbeing, spotting early signs of distress, and initiating early intervention.

This course has been designed by Public Health Scotland to:

  • Identify the key factors that contribute to a mentally healthy workplace
  • Give managers a broad understanding of mental health in the workplace
  • Ensure managers are aware of their responsibilities in relation to health and wellbeing.
  • Improve managers skills and confidence in dealing with mental health in the workplace.

13 February 2025

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm 

The Online Sign Up requires an ENEI account, free for GCC staff and simple to set up.

LGBT+ History Month: Activism and Social Change 

ENEI invite all staff to attend this live online event where they will be exploring the history of LGBT+ activism and its ongoing impact on social change, inspiring progress in our workplaces and communities. 

19 February

11am - 12noon

Zoom: Register Here

Inclusive Leadership: Creating a Culture of Belonging

Join us for an interview with ENEI CEO Sandi Wassmer as she shares insights on building and leading an inclusive, thriving workplace culture.

19 February 2025

1.30pm - 4.30pm

MS Teams Sign Up

Menopause Awareness for Managers

Delivered in partnership with City of Glasgow College, this training will cover the impact of menopause in personal, social, and work situations and look at solution focused questioning within the GROW Model to support team members going through the menopause.

20 February 2025

10am - 10.45am

MS Teams Sign Up

Cancer and the Workplace Webinar

Join PAM Wellness in this short bite-size webinar which will explore the potential emotional impact of a cancer diagnosis on an individual as well as those around them. Find out how you can support an employee who has been given a cancer diagnosis, as well as family/carers of those affected by cancer and the wider team.

25 February 2025

10am - 12.30pm

MS Teams Sign Up

Disability Awareness Training for Managers

This training, delivered in partnership with Glasgow Disability Alliance (GDA) will enable recruiting managers to be confident implementing best practices in the recruitment and support of disabled employees. The session will cover how best to promote opportunities to disabled people, how to discuss an individual's support needs, and reasonable adjustments.

26 February 2025

Bookable 15 min slots available throughout the day from 10am to 2.30pm

Limited spaces fill up fast on first come, first serve basis so email Grace now to Sign Up

Seated Acupressure Massage - Incorporate Massage Sessions

Discover the wellbeing benefits that can be gained from taking time out of your busy day to relax with a 15 minute (fully clothed) seated acupressure massage. The massage uses Swedish Massage Techniques and includes head, neck, shoulders, back, hands and arms, to help reduce stress.

  • Booked sessions take place, with Grace Taylor from Incorporate Massage, in the privacy of our City Chambers Wellbeing Room at 2.24 East Building - John Street.
  • Your session costs *£16 for 15 minutes - please pay Grace on the day.
  • 8 available morning slots - every 15 minutes from 10am to 12noon
  • 8 available afternoon slots - every 15 minutes from 12.30 to 2.30pm
  • Booking conditions apply and 24 hrs notice required for cancellations (or you may still be charged).
  • Use Sign Up to book your 15 minute slot with subject GCC Massages and your name, date and preferred 15 minute time slot. 

*2025 price - increased from £15 to £16 for 15 minutes



Last modified on 24 March 2025

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