Join Us - Staff Training and Events
Health, Wellbeing, Equality and Diversity Training and Events Training.
From workshops and webinars - to walking and wellbeing sessions

This page lists all our free health, wellbeing, equality and diversity training available for staff - along with other health and wellbeing events you can take part in. You can have a look at what's available each month by scrolling down each section. Past training and event information is still available to view in the related content section at the bottom of the page.
To register to attend please just click the sign-up link provided.
We work in partnership with several providers to deliver our training - so it could be delivered online or in person. Please check the details when registering. All training courses delivered meet our Equality Outcomes, Healthy Working Lives programme and Health and Wellbeing initiatives.
This page will be regularly updated as training sessions become available.
Colleagues Case Studies
What - not even water?
In case you may be wondering why some of your colleagues are looking a bit tired, maybe less cheery than usual, then spare a thought for them. No Water, NO CAFFEINE, and certainly No Fish Suppers at lunch time can have an impact!
Meet Kalim and Ifran and hear what Ramadan means to them.
GCC Staff Register NOW
Secure a FREE team place in the Spring Step Count Challenge. Starting Monday 5 May Email Your Health & Wellbeing stating your team captain name & email address to register. | Spring Step Count Challenge - Get your team ready! Walking can improve your mental health as well as your physical health. Regular walking can reduce your risk of depression and dementia by 20-30%, improve your sleep, and prevent and reduce anxiety and stress. There are many fun ways to walk more during your working day - such as lunchtime walks, taking the stairs instead of the lift, or having walking meetings. We have partnered up with Paths for All again this year to provide free places for GCC teams of 5 to get involved in the national 8-week Spring Step Count Challenge. So don't delay, sign up today! |
Monday 3 March 2 - 3pm Online Sign Up | Saving Energy at Home Many people are worried about the rising cost of energy or perhaps the urgent problem of climate change. Home Energy Scotland (HES) is funded by the Scottish Government, providing free, impartial advice and support. Join this one-hour webinar, hosted by GGC NHS, to find out how to save energy and reduce fuel bills, enabling you to save money whilst doing your bit for the planet. |
Wednesday 5 March 2pm - 4.30pm Online Sign Up | Disability Awareness Training for Managers This training will enable recruiting managers to be confident implementing best practices in the recruitment and support of disabled employees. The session will cover how best to promote opportunities to disabled people, how to discuss an individual's support needs, and reasonable adjustments. |
Wednesday 5 March 10am - 12pm MS Teams | Supporting employees with long term health conditions Raising awareness of long-term health conditions (LTC's) and the impact of these in the workplace. Improve your knowledge and understanding of both legislation and best practice in supporting employees with LTC's and the risks of not managing the process correctly. Delivered by the Health Improvement team, NHS GGC and suitable for line managers. |
Thursday 6 March and Thursday 13 March 9.30am-12.30pm MS Teams Sign Up | Women's Confidence Delivered over two half-day sessions, this course will give you the opportunity to put 'you' at the top of the agenda to think about how life and work is at the moment. Learn how to make the most of your mind, control your thoughts and find focus. Start to understand the power dynamics in your relationships at work. You are required to attend both sessions to complete the course. |
Tuesday 11 March 7pm - 8pm on Zoom Or to access a recording afterwards, as well as related resources & recordings of past events Click Here (allowing time for the event to be uploaded onto site) | Endometriosis Explained Throughout Endometriosis Action Month, Endometriosis UK will be running free webinars aimed at those with endometriosis and those looking to further their knowledge and support others. This session will discuss what Endometriosis is, its symptoms, treatment and management, and how it is diagnosed. |
Wednesday 12 March 1pm - 2pm on Zoom Or to access a recording afterwards, as well as related resources & recordings of past events Click Here (allowing time for the event to be uploaded onto site)
| Endometriosis and work: Breaking Barriers, Building Support Join this session with Endometriosis UK who have invited a panel of industry experts to discuss how we can break down the barriers and build support in the workplace for employees with endometriosis. |
Wednesday 12 March 1.30 - 4.30 pm MS Teams Sign Up | Working and Managing in a Diverse Environment In partnership with City of Glasgow College we have developed this course which will cover what do equality, diversity and inclusion mean, summary of rationale and benefits of ED&I, discuss challenges and barriers, identify solutions and support .You will have the opportunity to explore this subject through a mix of training materials and guided discussions and exercises. |
Tuesday 18 March 10-11am MS Teams Sign Up | Financial Wellbeing Workshop - Credit and Debt In the run up to Debt Awareness Week this year, we are hosting this 1-hour webinar in partnership with Money Advice Scotland who will discuss the main factors to think about when borrowing money, and where people can get help if they are struggling with repayments. This session is suitable for anyone with an interest. |
Tuesday 18 March 10.30am - 11.30am 11.45am - 12.45pm Room B20, 40 John Street, G2 1DU | *** In-person *** Prostate Cancer Awareness Toolbox Workshops March is also Prostate Cancer Awareness Month so we are teaming up with Prostate Scotland to raise awareness of the risks, possible symptoms, testing options, resources and support available. Attendees will receive a free copy of theProstate Scotland Workplace Toolkit- packed full of advice, guidance and promotional materials you can share in and around your workplaces.
Tuesday 18 March 10 - 11.30am Zoom Sign Up
Or to access a recording of this event afterwards, as well as related resources & recordings of previous online women's health events (allowing time for the event to be uploaded onto site) | Conversation Café toolkit for women's health - information and support session This session provides information on the ALLIANCE Conversation Café toolkit and advice on how to use it. The session is for anyone considering using the toolkit to host a Conversation Café, facilitators who have already used it but are looking for tips and support. And for those who are generally interested in promoting positive discussion spaces on women's health. |
Tuesday 18 March 2 - 3pm MS Teams Sign Up | Supporting Mental Health: Breathing Space Webinar/Q&A Find out about mental health services provided by NHS 24, including Breathing Space. Learn more about the 'You Matter, We Care campaign - for better mental health in Scotland and find out about other resources and support available. |
Thursday 20 March 10 - 10.30am Online Sign Up | Emotional Regulation for Managers - PAM Wellness The aim of this workshop is to educate managers about how personality types impact emotional regulation in the workplace. The workshop will show how different personalities respond to stressful/demanding situations and will explore approaches managers should use to match the personality type and to facilitate employees managing their emotions and working more productively. |
Thursday 20 March 11am - 12pm Online Sign Up *Requires an ENEI account, which is free and simple to set up. Click to Sign Up and follow instructions. Or to access a recording of this event afterwards, as well as related resources & recordings of past events Click Here *Requires an ENEI account, which is free and simple to set up. Click to Sign Up and follow instructions. | Open to All: thinking Differently - Neurodiversity and Work Understanding neurodiversity is key to creating an inclusive workplace. ENEI are running this panel event featuring guest speakers who will share their insights and practical strategies to support neurodivergent employees. |
25 March 2025 Bookable 15 min slots available throughout the day from 10am to 2.30pm Limited spaces fill up fast on first come, first serve basis so email Grace now to Sign Up | Seated Acupressure Massage - Incorporate Massage Sessions (cost involved) Discover the wellbeing benefits that can be gained from taking time out of your busy day to relax with a 15 minute (fully clothed) seated acupressure massage. The massage uses Swedish Massage Techniques and includes head, neck, shoulders, back, hands and arms, to help reduce stress.
Thursday 27 March 10 - 11am MS Teams Sign Up | Cancer Research UK - Workplace webinar Find out how to make choices that could reduce your risk of cancer and increase your chances of detecting it early. The session will cover cancer screening programmes available in Scotland, and healthy lifestyle information and advice. |
Friday 28 March 2025 12 - 1pm MS Teams Sign Up | Prostate Cancer Awareness Toolbox Workshop Delivered in partnership with Prostate Scotland this Prostate Cancer Awareness Month to raise awareness of the risks, possible symptoms, testing options, resources and support available. Attendees will receive a free copy of theProstate Scotland Workplace Toolkit- packed full of advice, guidance and materials you can share in and around your workplaces. |
This April - 'Join us' for the following health, wellbeing, equality and diversity training events
Can't make the date?
Where possible, we've included a mix of online and in-person events, e-learning modules that can be accessed anytime, and live events on different days and times to make opportunities as accessible as possible. We have highlighted where online events will be recorded and can be accessed at a time that suits - just click on the link provided, allowing a few days for the providers to upload online.
Let us know- We offer a wide range of events throughout the year. If there's a subject we've not covered and would like to see included in our programme in future, or if you need help in accessing any of the events, please email us at: Your Health & Wellbeing
1 April 2025 12 - 1.15pm Zoom Sign Up
Or to access a recording of this event afterwards, as well as related resources & recordings of previous online women's health events Click Here (allowing time for the event to be uploaded onto site) | Taking care of your bowel and gut health Webinar April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month. This session delivered by ALLIANCE will discuss women's bowel health, including what we can all be doing to look after our gut and what we can do if we have a concern |
Thursday 3 April 2025 Drop in between 11am - 2pm City Chambers, Satinwood Suite | Health & Wellbeing Roadshow Come along and get involved in the Chief Executive Department and Finance Service Roadshow where there will lots of FREE activities, exclusive benefits, health and wellbeing resources, advice and support including:
Information stalls featuring Strathclyde Pension Fund Office, Improving the Cancer Journey, Glasgow Credit Union, Cost of living assistance, Menopause support and much more! |
Starting Tuesday 15 April 1 - 1.45pm Ground floor conference room, Exchange House Limited spaces fill up fast on first come, first serve basis, email Ailsa-Mary now to Sign Up | Lunchtime Pilates for Wellbeing at Work - 6 week block (cost involved) Pilates is a fun way of improving your posture & muscle tone, relieving stress & tension, and enhancing joint mobility and balance. This class is open to all levels of experience. Cost for the block of 6 classes is £45 which is payable in advance via BACS. Email Ailsa-Mary for more information and to sign up. |
Thursday 17 April 2025 10am - 10.45am MS Teams Sign Up | Stress reduction skills in practice Webinar - PAM Wellness This webinar will explore why we might experience heightened stress from neurotypical and neurodivergent perspectives and how we can each manage stress so that it remains in the healthy zone. |
Wednesday 23 April 2025 Bookable 15 min slots available throughout the day from 10am to 2.30pm Limited spaces fill up fast on first come, first serve basis, email Grace now to Sign Up | Seated Acupressure Massage - Incorporate Massage Sessions (cost involved)
Discover the wellbeing benefits that can be gained from taking time out of your busy day to relax with a 15 minute (fully clothed) seated acupressure massage.
The massage uses Swedish Massage Techniques and includes head, neck, shoulders, back, hands and arms, to help reduce stress.
30 April 2025 10am - 10.45am MS Teams Sign Up | Managing Stress - SAMH
To mark the end of Stress Awareness Month this April, we are hosting this short, bitesize learning webinar which will cover:
tips, tools and resources that you can use to help manage stress and support your wellbeing |
E-learning Anytime Online Access Here | Glasgow City Council Corporate Induction The Corporate HR and Organisational Development team are pleased to launch our updated Glasgow City Council Corporate Induction course on GOLD. This course is aimed at all staff who have recently joined the council or, if you have been employed with us for a while, you may find out new or interesting information about Glasgow and the council. |
E-learning Anytime Online Sign Up * * Requires you to set up a learning account which is free and easy to do | Managing Stress - Health & Safety Executive April is Stress Awareness Month and the Health & Safety Executive 'Working Minds' bitesize online learning tool offers 6 short modules about managing stress. that guide you through the principles of risk assessment, to help employers prevent stress and support good mental health with a focus on 5 R's: Reach out > Recognise > Respond > Reflect > Routine |
E-learning Anytime Online Access Here | Your Psychological First Aid Kit Learn how to support your wellbeing in challenging times. Over the course of three modules, you will be taken through the concept of your Psychological First Aid Kit and think about what you can add to your kit to help keep you well. |
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