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Glasgow Citizens' Assembly

About Glasgow Citizens' Assembly on the Climate Emergency

Glasgow City Council declared a climate and ecological emergency in May 2019. In its draft Climate Emergency Implementation Plan, targets were set for becoming a net zero city by 2030 and for net zero emissions by 2045.

Following public consultation on the draft Climate Emergency Implementation Plan, Glasgow City Council has set one clear target of achieving net zero emissions by 2030. With the UN Climate Change Conference, COP26, coming to Glasgow in November 2021, the city will be able to showcase its commitment to reaching net zero on a global stage. In this high-profile context, Glasgow City Council will undertake public engagement with citizens ahead of COP26 to understand their priorities for the legacy of COP26 for the city, how the Council can effectively work with citizens to effect the far-reaching changes needed to reach net zero, and their views on a 'just transition' to net zero.

Glasgow City Council has therefore commissioned Ipsos MORI to deliver a Citizens' Assembly.

Ipsos MORI will design and facilitate a Citizens' Assembly with 50 participants focusing on the legacy of COP26 and Glasgow's transition towards net zero. The Assembly will meet over five sessions to learn, deliberate and discuss these issues before making decisions and prioritising recommendations for the Council.

Each session will comprise a mix of expert presentations, plenary discussion and smaller group discussions.

Council Plans, Policies and Strategies

Glasgow has produced its Climate Emergency Implementation Plan which made 61 recommendations, with a target for the city to achieve carbon neutrality by the year 2030 at its heart.

Under the Community Empowerment Act 2015, all Scottish Local Authorities are required to produce a Food Growing Strategy for their area. To find out about Glasgow's Food Growing Strategy and access additional information please click here.



Participant Information



The following links provide video information to assist participants with discussions.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4


Findings and Recommendations

The following documents have been prepared to explain and take forward the discussions and ideas generated by the Citizens Assembly.


Other Climate Assemblies

Scotland's Climate Assembly brought together people from all walks of life, from across Scotland, to learn about and discuss how to tackle the climate emergency.  Further information on Scotland's Climate Assembly can be found here.

In July 2019, Camden Council in London held the UK's first Citizens' Assembly on the climate crisis.  Further information can be found here.

Brighton and Hove City Council ran a climate assembly to explore how the council and its resident can combat climate change over the next decade.  Further information can be found here.

Oxford City Council carried out a Citizens Assembly where participants learned about climate change and explored different options to cut carbon emissions.  Further information can be found here.

The Greater Cambridge Partnership carried out a Citizens Assembly to learn about and discuss how to reduce congestion, improve air quality, and provide better public transport in Greater Cambridge?  Further information can be found here.

Examples of the Investment mindset have been demonstrated by, amongst others, Bristol  and the West Midlands.

Examples of Thriving Places work we have been involved in across Europe:

The work in Bristol has provided an example of communities building a shared vision.

Useful Links


Last modified on 27 November 2023

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