Glasgow CREATE

Email Louise Hamilton (opens new window)| Phone 07990 089806 | Email Pam Black (opens new window)| Phone 07387 231777
As part of Glasgow's Improvement Challenge, Glasgow CREATE was established in January 2016 by Glasgow Education Services to raise attainment and achievement across the curriculum through thinking differently.
CREATE is a partnership between Glasgow City Councils' Education Services Instrumental Music Service (IMS), Youth Music Initiative (YMI) and Partnership Projects supporting all Primary, Secondary and Early Years Establishments in our City. We continually strive to have the highest quality learning experiences and opportunities for our children and young people ensuring we support schools to transform Music Provision in our city through innovation, creativity and inspirational learning and teaching.
CREATE ensures that teachers are confident and skilled in teaching Music through a comprehensive training and support programme (CLPL). Regular CLPL opportunities are given in order to build capacity in staff to ensure high quality musical experiences for children to ensure progression of skills and equity of opportunities and experiences for all.
Develop Leadership Skills
Teachers are encouraged to develop leadership skills through being 'Music Champions'. This approach allows capacity building in our schools ensuring class teachers are given the support and resources necessary to deliver a high quality music curriculum whilst being aware of the wider benefits of this in raising attainment in the core subjects of Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Well Being.
Clear links have been made across the curriculum to ensure this contributes to improved Interdisciplinary Learning and identification of transferrable skills which will contribute to raising attainment and better outcomes for all learners.
In addition, this provision of resources and high quality CLPL for classroom teachers ensures that children are able to achieve a high standard of performance in their classrooms and schools. This was extended further by giving schools opportunities to perform to wider audiences which has continued to enhance skills in engagement, enjoyment and participation.
Due to this high quality provision CREATE is regularly invited to present and share its programme/practice at Local/National events.
In addition to our core provision in schools, CREATE very proudly provides outstanding opportunities for children and young people to gain experience in performance through Whole City Authority Ensembles, Bands and Choirs at our Centre for Training and Performance in City Halls.
Glasgow Education Services is committed to Creativity and Expressive Arts Transforming Education (CREATE) in all sectors and schools across the City.
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