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Glasgow CREATE Website
Welcome to Glasgow CREATE online.
CREATE (Creativity and Expressive Arts Transforming Education)
As part of Glasgow's Improvement Challenge, Glasgow CREATE was established in January 2016 by Glasgow Education Services to raise the profile of Expressive Arts and Creativity and to support schools to raise attainment and achievement across the curriculum through thinking differently.
Supporting all Primary, Secondary and Early Years Establishments in Glasgow, CREATE continually strives to have the highest quality learning experiences and opportunities for our children and young people ensuring we support schools to transform Expressive Arts in our city through innovation, creativity and inspirational learning and teaching.
CREATE ensures that teachers are confident and skilled in delivering the Expressive Arts curriculum through regular CLPL opportunities and access to a comprehensive Framework for Expressive Arts to support a creative and skills based approach to teaching and learning in Art & Design, Dance, Drama and Music.
Glasgow's Framework for Expressive Arts, resources and staff CLPL can be accessed via
Follow @GlasgowCREATE on social media to stay up to date with our latest news and good practice from across the city.