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Broomielaw/Clyde Street


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Saltmarket to King George V Bridge

The construction from Broomielaw/Clyde Street will see the introduction of high-quality public realm to welcome visitors through one of the key gateways connecting people along the river from the city centre to Glasgow Green and ties in with other sustainable developments. 

The Avenues programme forms part of the City Centre Strategy. The priority of this programme is about creating inclusive and sustainable space for people through quality public realm, green infrastructure and innovative technology.

Design Principles
Enhanced, continuous and widened 
Rain gardens and Street trees  Biodiverse Planting 
Segregated Cycling lanes separated 
from ther road users 
Road carriageways reduced in width  Improved Public Realm 
Rationalised and improved street furniture  Architectural lighting features Road priorities adjusted with clear routes 



The design process for the Avenues has been shaped by extensive stakeholder engagement. These consultations included workshops, on-street engagement, and online questionnaires. The feedback gathered from these type of activities aim to shape the new placemaking approach to street design. 

The Broomielaw and Clyde Street consultation reflected support for creating a more pedestrian- and cycle-friendly riverside environment, with integrated green spaces and improved public realm. Stakeholders, including businesses and transport bodies, welcomed improvements but highlighted concerns about access to riverfront buildings, traffic management, and maintaining emergency access. There was also support for integrating new development frontages (e.g., MODA, Custom House Quay) and opportunities for improved public spaces and drop-off points for tourism.

Key Design Requirements:

  • Prioritise walking and cycling, creating continuous riverside routes.
  • Green the riverside corridor with trees, rain gardens, and seating areas.
  • Maintain service, emergency, and drop-off access, particularly for riverfront businesses.
  • Integrate with wider riverside and city centre networks, including connecting developments.
  • Manage traffic flows and reduce vehicle dominance along Clyde Street.
  • Enhance public space quality with high-standard surfacing, lighting, and furniture.
  • Provide safe, accessible crossings at key junctions.
  • Address flood management and coordination with Network Rail and utilities.

Link: Block B Communication Plans (PDF, 5 MB)(opens new window)

Design Team


The Design Team is led by Ironside Farrar 
Glasgow Office: 5th Floor, 135 Buchanan Street, Glasgow G1 2JA
Design Contract Awarded


The programme is funded by the Glasgow City Region City Deal, which includes contributions from both the Scottish and UK Governments. 

Proposed Design Plans


Design Concepts

Image(s) shows artist impression of the Broomielaw Avenue

Broomielaw (Facing East) View 1
Broomielaw (Facing East) View 2
Broomielaw (Facing West) View 1
Cathedral View 1
Cathedral View 2

Double click on the images to see larger image.


Last modified on 28 March 2025

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