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Key dates calendar

your 2025 inclusion calendar

Supporting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion banner

Being mindful of diverse holidays, cultural events, religious celebrations, wellbeing awareness dates and associated training - is key to helping create an inclusive workplace.

The following information highlights important themes and dates each month and supports our diversity, cultural, equality and health and wellbeing initiatives. We hope you find it a useful resource to support one another and celebrate key dates.

Join us

  • Key dates below may be linked to associated free staff training sessions or events to support personal development for that month. 
  • These dates will be highlighted in blue and when clicked will open up the dedicated Join Us - Staff Training and Events with the session summary and registration details. It includes lots of equality, diversity, health and wellbeing training each month - so you are encouraged to regularly check what is on offer! 
  • Check out what training is on this month at Join Us

Colleagues Case Studies

What - not even water?
In case you may be wondering why some of your colleagues are looking a bit tired, maybe less cheery than usual, then spare a thought for them. No Water, NO CAFFEINE, and certainly No Fish Suppers at lunch time can have an impact! Meet Kalim and Ifran and hear what Ramadan means to them.


JANUARY is Dry January

JanuaryDry January/Alcohol Awareness
JanuaryCervical Health Awareness 
JanuaryThyroid Awareness


4 January 2025World Braille Day
20 January 2025

Martin Luther King Day -  is a day of remembrance and celebration of the life and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, a pivotal figure in the American Civil Rights Movement. On Martin Luther King Jr Day, we honour his courage and vision and recommit to his dream of unity, equality and justice for all.

Find out more.

25 January 2025Robert Burns Night
27 January 2025Holocaust Memorial Day


1 January 2025New Year
29 January 2025Chinese New Year:  Gong Xi Fa Cai! Lunar New Year 2025 is a Year of the Snake, more specifically, Wood Snake, starting from 29 January  2025 to 16 February 2026. The 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Do you know your Chinese Zodiac sign?


FEBRUARY is LGBTQ+ History Month


LGBTQ+ History Month

2025 marks 20 years of LGBT+ History Month in the UK. LGBT+ History Month is a time to celebrate the rich history and achievements of the LGBT+ community.  The theme this year is: Activism and Social Change. Giving us the opportunity to celebrate the work and life and activism of 5 trailblazing individuals and how they advanced society for everyone. If you want to know more about: Key moments in LGBT+ activism and their impact on social change , the ongoing challenges faced by LGBT+ individuals and communities in the workplace and effective ways to promote inclusivity and support LGBT+ equality in your organisation - 'Join us' - on 13 February: 12 noon to 1pm, LGBT+ History Month: Activism and Social Change event online. Do you know about our Prism LGBTI Network?


UK Heart 

Many of us will witness a cardiac arrest in our lifetime. This Heart Month, the British Heart Foundation are calling on us all to be ready for that day. Performing CPR and Defibrillation can more than double the chances of survival. Knowing the steps to take if you witness a cardiac arrest, and having the confidence to take them, could keep someone alive until the emergency services arrive. Learn CPR in 15 minutes with RevivR. 


Period Dignity

Spreading awareness and continuing to breakdown the stigma of talking about periods across our city. Download the PickupMyPeriod app, to identify the nearest venue to access a range of free period products discreetly. The app also offers additional support to users, such as health and wellbeing guidance, addiction services information and financial advice.


3 to 9 February 2025

Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week

Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week is the UK's national week dedicated to raising awareness about the impact of sexual abuse and violence, while fostering a culture of prevention, support and healing. We have been participating in the Equally Safe at Work programme since 2022 and are delighted to have been awarded Development accreditation. This provides us with an excellent foundation to start progressing our key priority of gender equality in the workplace and provide better support for victim-survivors of gender-based violence as we work towards our Bronze accreditation. To learn more, watch the Close the Gap's three minute animation on Equally Safe at Work to help raise awareness and knowledge of violence against women and Equally Safe at Work.

3 to 9 February 2025

UK Race Equality Week

4 February 2025World Cancer Day 
6 February 2025Time to Talk Day
20 February 2025 

Adult Support and Protection Awareness Day 2025

Be  alert to vulnerable adults in your communities who are susceptible to financial harm. Report any concerns to ensure those in need are able to access support. Financial harm can cover theft, fraud and pressure to sign over property or money. It also relates to rogue traders, online scammers and misuse of benefits. If you're worried that someone is at risk of harm or neglect from others - or harming or neglecting themselves - visit for all the relevant contact details. Alternatively, you can contact the Police on 101 or call 999 if you believe the person is in immediate danger.


28 February to 30 March 2025

Ramadan (Islam)

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It's when Muslims all over the world spend 30 days fasting from sunrise to sunset. Ramadan is also a time for reflection, discipline, extra prayers, charity, kindness, family and community. Meet colleagues Kalim and Ifran and hear what Ramadan means to them"In case you may be wondering why some of your colleagues are looking a bit tired maybe less cheery than usual, then spare a thought for them! No Water, NO CAFFEINE, and certainly No Fish Suppers at lunch time can have an impact."



MARCH is Women's History Month


Women's History

Every March we celebrate Women's History Month. It's a time to recognise the contributions and achievements women have made throughout history. In Scotland, Women's History Month is an opportunity to highlight the impact of Scottish women in politics, science, the arts, sport and activism. Women's contributions are often overlooked in history which is why it's crucial to shed light on their stories.

Get involved in Women's History Month in Glasgow: Glasgow Life are promoting various events to celebrate Women's History MonthThe Glasgow Women's Library will also be marking Women's History Month, and celebrating women.

Visit: and


Prostate Cancer Awareness

March is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, a crucial period dedicated to raising awareness about prostate cancer, the most common cancer among men in the UK. 1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer, and the risk is higher for Black men and for those who have a family history of prostate cancer. But the earlier prostate cancer is found, the easier it is to treat. 

Prostate cancer may not result in signs or symptoms in its earlier stages when it's more treatable, so checking your risk and knowing what you can do about it is key. Take 30 seconds to check your risk now with the Prostate Cancer UK's online risk checker.


Ovarian Cancer Awareness

About 7,400 women are diagnosed with cancer of the ovary (ovarian cancer) each year in the UK. Find out more information about the symptoms of ovarian cancer and where you can get support at: and


Endometriosis Action Month

Endometriosis impacts 1 in 10 women, yet so many are still unaware of the condition and its impact.⁠ Endometriosis must be better understood by the general public and better explained to patients by all healthcare practitioners.

To check your symptoms, see the Endometriosis Symptom Checker. For more information and supportvisit NHS Inform here, see the Scottish Government/ALLIANCE Endometriosis Resource Pack here, and sign up for upcoming Endometriosis UK Webinars here.


3 to 8 March 2025Scottish Apprenticeship Week
8 March 2025

International Women's Day 

This year's theme is Accelerate Action. According to data from the World Economic Forum, at current rates of progress, it will take until 2158, to reach full gender parity. IWD 2025's Accelerate Action theme calls for urgent and decisive progress towards gender equality.

12 March 2025

National No Smoking Day

If you want to quit smoking, support is available from 'Quit Your Way Scotland', run by NHS 24 on behalf of the Scottish Government. It is staffed by trained advisers who'll be able to give you personalised advice. 

Freephone 0800 84 84 84 to speak to a Quit Your Way Scotland adviser (Helpline open 9am to 5pm, Mon-Fri) Help is also available at:

14 March 2025

World Sleep Day, International Day to Combat Islamophobia

World Sleep Day 2025 is 14 March and the theme is Make Sleep Health a Priority.The scientific evidence is clear: your sleep is essential to health and wellbeing. Good sleep promotes wellness and resilience while poor sleep negatively impacts almost all aspects of your body and mind. Your sleep is just as important as nutrition and exercise! It's time to make your sleep health a priority. Find sleep information, resources and support in our Health and Wellbeing Handbook here.

International Day to Combat Islamophobia. According to the United Nations, Islamophobia is: "a fear, prejudice and hatred of Muslims that leads to provocation, hostility and intolerance by means of threatening, harassment, abuse, incitement and intimidation of Muslims and non-Muslims, both in the online and offline world. Motivated by institutional, ideological, political and religious hostility that transcends into structural and cultural racism, it targets the symbols and markers of being a Muslim".

15 March, every year, was designated as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, by the United Nations in 2022, to counter Islamophobia.

17 to 23 March

Neurodiversity Celebration Week, Nutrition and Hydration Week

Nutrition and Hydration Week is an annual event with a shared objective to highlight, promote and celebrate improvements in the provision of nutrition locally, nationally and globally.

Find our more here: Find nutrition and hydration resources in our Health and Wellbeing Handbook here.

Neurodiversity Celebration Week. Neurodiversity is the natural diversity in human brains - there is more than one way of thinking. Neurodivergence is sometimes referred to as an umbrella term for when the brain processes, learns, and/or behaves differently from what is considered "typical". Want to learn more? 

ENEI invite all staff to access their online resources including their Neurodiversity in the Workplace - Setting Employees Up for Success Guide. Access here. *Requires an ENEI account, free for GCC staff and simple to set up.


21 March 2025

Elimination of Racial Discrimination

On 21st March 1960, police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid "pass laws". This day is now globally is marked as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

24 to 30 March 2025

Debt Awareness Week

Organised each year by Step Change debt charity who are dedicated to breaking down the barriers that stop people from accessing support. Debt affects people from all walks of life. While someone's situation may seem normal on the outside, many are silently dealing with financial hardship due to the shame and stigma around debt.

By breaking the stigma around debt, more people can be supported at an earlier stage to manage their finances and improve their mental wellbeing. Attend our Credit & Debt workshop, delivered in partnership with Money Advice Scotland, for advice on the main factors to think about when borrowing money, and where to get help to manage debt: Sign Up



4 March 2025Shrove Tuesday (Christian)
5 March 2025Ash Wednesday (Christian)
30 March 2025Eid al-Fitr (Islam)



APRIL is Stress Awareness Month

AprilAutism Awareness 
AprilBowel Cancer Awareness
AprilTesticular Cancer Awareness
AprilStress Awareness 


7 April 2025World Health Day
22 April 2025

Stephen Lawrence Day 

Stephen Lawrence Day is observed on 22nd April, to honour the life and legacy on Stephen, a young Black man who was murdered in 22.04.93 in an unprovoked racist attack. In 2025, we remember Stephen's potential and pledge to build a future where every young person, regardless of background, can thrive without fear or prejudice.

28 April 2025World Day for Health and Safety at Work


12 to 20 April 2025

Passover Starts in Evening (Judaism)

Passover (or Pesach in Hebrew) is a celebration of the story of Exodus. During Passover, Jewish people remember how their ancestors left slavery behind them when they were led out of Egypt by Moses. Passover is celebrated with a series of rituals. Each ritual symbolises a different part of the story.  When is Passover? Passover is one of the most important festivals in the Jewish year. It's a Spring festival that begins on the 15th day of Nisan, the first month of the Jewish calendar. The celebrations last for seven or eight days, depending on where you live.  In 2025 Passover begins on the evening of Saturday 12 April.  If you want to greet someone who is celebrating Passover, you can say "Chag Pesach Sameach!" (Happy Passover Holiday).

13 April 2025

Vaisakhi (Sikh)

Vaisakhi is one of the most important dates in the Sikh calendar. It is a time to re-energise personal commitments to live and practice the principles of the Sikh faith and for many it's also a time to become formally initiated into the Sikh faith. Vaisakhi has often been misrepresented as the new year or a harvest festival for Sikhs. Vaisakhi is the most meaningful date in the Sikh Calendar representing the creation of the Khalsa panth (nation) by the Sikh's 10th Guru - Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The Khalsa panth was inaugurated in April 1699 at Anandpur Sahib, Punjab. Learn more about Vaisakhi, in this month's Colleague's Case Studies.

18 April 2025Good Friday (Christian)
20 April 2025Easter Sunday (Christian)



MAY is National Walking Month

MayUK Walking
MayAction on Stroke


5 to 9 May 2025Scottish Learning Disability Week
5 to 11 May 2025

Deaf Awareness Week 

10 May 2025World Lupus Day
12 to 18 May 2025Mental Health Awareness Week, Learning at Work Week
17 May 2025International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia
28 May 2025Menstrual Hygiene Day
31 May 2025World No Tobacco Day



JUNE is LGBT Pride Month

JuneLGBT Pride
JuneGypsy, Roma and Traveller History
JuneStillbirth and Neonatal Death Awareness


9 to 14 June 2025National Bike Week
8 June 2025

Global Wellness Day

9 to 15 June 2025Carer's Week, Men's Health Week
10 to 14 June 2025BNF Healthy Eating Week
10 to 16 June 2025Diabetes Awareness Week
14 June 2025World Blood Donor Day
16 June 2025Neurodiversity Pride Day
16 to 20 June 2025UK Learning Disability Week
19 to 24 June 2025Cervical Screening Awareness Week
22 June 2025UK National Windrush Day
28 June 2025Stonewall Riots Anniversary


6 to 10 June 2025Eid al Adha (Islam)



JULY is Disability Pride Month

JulyChallenging Age Perception
JulyDisability Pride
18 July to 17 August 2025South Asian History Month


7 to 13 July 2025Alcohol Awareness Week
15 July 2025

World Youth Skills Day


10 July 2025Dharma Day (Buddhism)
23 July 2025Birthday of Haile Selassie I (Rastafari)



AUGUST is Health & Safety Month

AugustHealth and Safety
AugustPsoriasis Awareness


1 to 7 August 2025World Breastfeeding Awareness Week
7 August 2025

UK Cycle to Work Day

23 August 2025Remembrance of Slave Trade and it's Abolition


9 August 2025Raksha Bandhan (Hindu)



SEPTEMBER is World Alzheimer's Month

SeptemberWorld Alzheimer's
SeptemberWorld Dementia Awareness
SeptemberEast and South East Asian Heritage Month


5 September 2025International Day of Charity
8 to 14 September 2025

Know Your Numbers Week

10 September 2025World Suicide Prevention Day
12 to 18 September 2025Youth Mental Health Awareness Week
15 September 2025World Afro Day, Pension Awareness Day
15 to 21 September 2025UK National Inclusion Week
22 to 26 September 2025International Week of Happiness at Work
22 to 28 September 2025National Eye Health Awareness Week


11 September 2025Ethiopian New Year (Rastafari)
22 to 23 September 2025Rosh Hashanah (Judaism)
22 September to 1 October 2025Navaratri (Hindu)



OCTOBER is Black History Month

OctoberADHD Awareness Month
OctoberBreast Cancer Awareness
OctoberDown Syndrome Awareness
OctoberCholesterol Awareness
OctoberMenopause Awareness
OctoberUK Black History


6 to 13 October 2025World Dyslexia Awareness Week
9 to 15 October 2025

Baby Loss Awareness Week

10 October 2025World Mental Health Day
12 to 18 October 2025Wear Red to Work Day (Show Racism the Red Card)
18 October 2025World Menopause Day
19 to 25 October 2025Invisible Disabilities Week
27 October 2025National Mentoring Day


2 October 2025Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement (Jewish)
19 to 23 October 2025Diwali (Hindu, Sikh, Jain)



NOVEMBER is Men's Health Month

NovemberMovember - Men's Health Awareness
NovemberIslamophobia Awareness
NovemberLung Cancer Awareness
NovemberPancreatic Cancer Awareness


3 to 7 November 2025National Talk Money Week, International Stress Awareness Week
9 to 16 November 2025

Interfaith Week

13 to 19 November 2025Anti-Bullying Week, Transgender Awareness Week
17 to 21 November 2025Self Care Week
19 November 2025International Men's Day
25 November 2025International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Start of the 16 Days of Action Against Violence Against Women


5 November 2025Birthday of Guru Nanak Dev (Sikh)
27 November 2025Gurpurab (Sikh)



DECEMBER is International Human Rights Month

DecemberAids Awareness
DecemberUniversal Month for Human Rights


1 December 2025World Aids Day
2 December 2025

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery

3 December 2025International Day for Persons with Disabilities
10 December 2025International Human Rights Day
18 December 2025International Migrants Day
20 December 2025International Human Solidarity Day
TBCNational Grief Awareness Week


25 December 2025Christmas Day (Christian)



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Last modified on 25 March 2025

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