Supported Employment

What is the Supported Employment Services?

The Glasgow Supported Employment Service is a team of job coaches who support people with learning disabilities and / or autistic spectrum conditions (ASC) to find and keep full time jobs. We know that getting a job is important for people with a learning disability / ASC but that finding and keeping a job can be difficult to do on your own. Our job coaches will support you with this.

The service is delivered on a one to one basis with the job coach getting to know about your skills, abilities and aspirations before starting to help you look for work. Job coaches can meet and chat to other people who know you to help get a good picture of your skills and interests. We want you to find a job which suits you and this takes time. Job coaches can meet you where you feel comfortable. 

Glasgow Supported Employment Service are also one of the main partners in delivering Project Search. A full time intensive work experience programme for people aged between 18 - 29 years who have learning disabilities and / or autistic spectrum conditions. 

We are one of the organisations involved in delivering Project Search in Glasgow. This is a one year intensive work experience programme for young people between the ages of 18 - 25 who have a learning disability and / or autistic spectrum condition. Project Search is based within either an NHS hospital or the University of Strathclyde. The programme follows the academic calendar and runs from August - June.

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Last modified on 05 June 2024

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