Book of Charges

Schedule of Road Construction Costs for Estimating Amount of Road Bond


Price (£) per Lm of road

Carriageway  (flexible)     Stage Construction
Full Construction (Stages 1,2 and 3)536480.00448.00295.00 Stage 1:  Construction up to and including sub-base, allowing for removal of up to 100mm unsuitable material and replacement with imported fill.
Stages 2 and 3 only404361.00295.00208.00 Stage 2:  Construction from sub-base upwards including kerbs but excluding wearing course.
Stage 3 only10988.0088.0065.00 Stage 3:  Wearing course only. 
Shared Surface (Block paving)  547.00383.00 Includes for removal of up to 50mm unsuitable material and replacement with imported fill.
Soft Verge (grassed)    21.50 
      Footway and Footpath prices include for removal of up to 50mm unsuitable material and replacement with imported fill. Increased widths to be calculated pro-rata.
Footway (flexible)    88.00Includes provision of heel kerb (1No.)
Footpath (flexible)    120.00Includes provision of edge kerbs (2 No)
Drainage     Manhole depths not exceeding 1.5m
Gullies at 20m crs174174.00174.00174.00 Includes for manhole at 80 m centres
Gullies at 40m crs120120.00120.00122.00 Includes for manhole at 120 m centres
Turning 'T'Residential Dimensions 5355  
(flexible)Residential Dimensions 5891  
(Block Paving)      
Turning 'O' (flexible)Residential Dimensions 17254  
(Block Paving)Residential Dimensions 20456  


(i) These figures already include an allowance for inflation over a three-year period (the minimum duration of a construction consent).                        
(ii) The costs are based on Neighbourhoods and Sustainability doing all the work.  To compensate for undertaking completeion of work initiated by other parties, the following procedure should be adopted:-                        
(a)        Add 25% where the estimated cost is less than £10,000;                        
(b)        Add 15% where the estimated cost is between £10,000 and £25,000;                        
(c)        Add 10% where the estimated cost is between £25,000 and £50,000.                        
(iii) Where the bond has to cover items such as major structures, or substantial amounts of excavation or fill, full details should be sent to NRS  who will undertake estimation.                        

Glasgow City Council Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability will (if necessary) apply a charge for what is considered to be the works involved, over and above the charge that it is our statutory obligation to incur, in the processing of this Roads (Scotland) Act 1984, Section 21, Construction Consent application. Chapter 2.6 of the Council's Roads Development Guide outlines the requirements for an acceptable submission for a Construction Consent application, and those complying with this will not incur a charge. As notified within the above named publication, charges will also be made for site inspections, materials testing and any temporary regulation order following commencement of work on site. All of the above will be based on staff hourly rates with the actual cost incurred being the sum charged.      

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