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Key Corporate Governance Policy Plans

Committees, Council Structure, Delegated Functions and Standing Orders

Members Code of Conduct, Register of Interests, Allowances and Expenses

  • Councillors and Committees - sets out the standards of behaviour expected of councillors in Scotland.
  • Councillors and Committees - required to be completed by all members giving details any directorships, other employment, properties, gifts and hospitality received (refer to each member's web page for the member's declaration of interests).
  • Elected Members - shows how much councillors were paid as salaries and expenses.


Performance, Objectives and Outcomes


Employees code of conduct

Anti-bribery, Whistleblowing, Customer Feedback and Freedom of Information

  • Anti - Bribery Policy - we have approved an anti-bribery policy statement.
  • Whistleblowing - our policies on preventing fraud and corruption, rules and procedures, and whistleblowing and investigation procedures - outlines the methods in which our customers can send feedback about services.
  • Publication Scheme and Guide to Information - our responsibilities with regard to compliance with freedom of information legislation.




    Last modified on 01 May 2024

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